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IntrospectionCookie (Ant) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.apache.tools.ant.module/3 3.27.0 2

Interface IntrospectionCookie

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. No longer useful in new UI.

public interface IntrospectionCookie
extends Node.Cookie

Represents an object with an associated introspectable class. Used for Ant elements which are matched to some Java class (e.g. for a task or for a subelement). Similar in concept to InstanceCookie; however InstanceCookie requires the cookie to be able to load the actual class and instantiate it (which is not always possible from these elements) and also does not provide a way to get the class name without loading the class (which is useful from these elements). IntrospectedInfo can be used to look up introspection results from the resulting class name.

See Also:

Method Summary
 String getClassName()
          Deprecated. Get the name of the class this object is associated with.

Method Detail


String getClassName()
Get the name of the class this object is associated with. Objects not associated with a class, or not associated with a known particular class, should not have this cookie.

the fully-qualified dot-separated class name

org.apache.tools.ant.module/3 3.27.0 2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.