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AntTargetExecutor.Env (Ant) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.apache.tools.ant.module/3 3.27.0 2

Class AntTargetExecutor.Env

  extended by org.apache.tools.ant.module.api.AntTargetExecutor.Env
Enclosing class:

public static final class AntTargetExecutor.Env
extends Object

Class describing the environment in which the Ant target will be executed. The class can be used for customization of properties avaialble during the execution, verbosity of Ant target execution and output stream definition.

Constructor Summary
          Create instance of Env class describing environment for Ant target execution.
Method Summary
 OutputStream getLogger()
          Get output stream.
 Properties getProperties()
          Get current Ant script execution properties.
 int getVerbosity()
          Get verbosity of Ant script execution.
 void setLogger(OutputStream outputStream)
          Deprecated. Usage of a custom output stream is not recommended, and prevents some Ant module features from working correctly.
 void setProperties(Properties p)
          Set properties of Ant script execution.
 void setVerbosity(int v)
          Set verbosity of Ant script execution.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AntTargetExecutor.Env()
Create instance of Env class describing environment for Ant target execution.

Method Detail


public void setVerbosity(int v)
Set verbosity of Ant script execution.

v - the new verbosity (e.g. AntEvent.LOG_VERBOSE)


public int getVerbosity()
Get verbosity of Ant script execution.

the current verbosity (e.g. AntEvent.LOG_VERBOSE)


public void setProperties(Properties p)
Set properties of Ant script execution.

p - a set of name/value pairs passed to Ant (will be cloned)


public Properties getProperties()
Get current Ant script execution properties. The clone of real properties is returned.

the current name/value pairs passed to Ant


public void setLogger(OutputStream outputStream)
Deprecated. Usage of a custom output stream is not recommended, and prevents some Ant module features from working correctly.

Set output stream into which the output of the Ant script execution will be sent. If not set the standard NetBeans output window will be used.

outputStream - a stream to send output to, or null to reset
See Also:


public OutputStream getLogger()
Get output stream. If no output stream was set then null will be returned what means that standard NetBeans output window will be used.

the output stream to which Ant output will be sent, or null

org.apache.tools.ant.module/3 3.27.0 2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.