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Deprecated List (NetBeans Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.1

org.openide.util 6.8.31

Deprecated API

Deprecated Interfaces

Deprecated Classes
          The prefered way to register and lookup services is now Lookup as described in services registration and lookup page. 
          The prefered way to register and lookup services is now Lookup as described in services registration and lookup page. 
          Use lookup instead. 

Deprecated Exceptions
          Better to create a new IOException and ErrorManager's annotate with the throwable. 
          Used only by the deprecated partialSort 

Deprecated Fields
          please use OS_TRU64 instead 

Deprecated Methods
          Service instance files should instead be copied in order to clone them. 
org.openide.ErrorManager.copyAnnotation(Throwable, Throwable)
          Now does the same thing as ErrorManager.annotate(Throwable,Throwable) except marks the annotation ErrorManager.UNKNOWN severity. Otherwise you used to have inadvertent data loss when copyFrom had annotations of its own: the subannotations were kept but the main stack trace in copyFrom was discarded. In practice you usually want to keep all of copyFrom; if for some reason you just want to keep annotations, please do so explicitly using ErrorManager.findAnnotations(java.lang.Throwable) and ErrorManager.attachAnnotations(java.lang.Throwable, org.openide.ErrorManager.Annotation[]). 
          Service instance files should instead be copied in order to clone them. 
          Use Utilities.actionsToPopup(javax.swing.Action[], org.openide.util.Lookup) 
          Sharing of one singlethreaded RequestProcessor among different users and posting even blocking requests is inherently deadlock-prone. See use cases. 
          Just use lookup. 
org.openide.util.NbBundle.getLocalizedFile(String, String)
          Use the nbresloc URL protocol instead. This method does a poor job of handling resources such as /some.dir/res.txt or /some/res.txt.sample. 
org.openide.util.NbBundle.getLocalizedFile(String, String, Locale)
          Use the nbresloc URL protocol instead. This method does a poor job of handling resources such as /some.dir/res.txt or /some/res.txt.sample. 
org.openide.util.NbBundle.getLocalizedFile(String, String, Locale, ClassLoader)
          Use the nbresloc URL protocol instead. This method does a poor job of handling resources such as /some.dir/res.txt or /some/res.txt.sample. 
          this method is almost useless in multiple monitor configuration 
org.openide.util.Utilities.partialSort(List, Comparator, boolean)
          Deprecated in favor of the potentially much faster (and possibly more correct) Utilities.topologicalSort(java.util.Collection, java.util.Map). 
          Sharing of one singlethreaded RequestProcessor among different users and posting even blocking requests is inherently deadlock-prone. See use cases. 
org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.postRequest(Runnable, int)
          Sharing of one singlethreaded RequestProcessor among different users and posting even blocking requests is inherently deadlock-prone. See use cases. 
org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.postRequest(Runnable, int, int)
          Sharing of one singlethreaded RequestProcessor among different users and posting even blocking requests is inherently deadlock-prone. See use cases. 
          use TopComponent.getActionMap() as described in the javadoc 
          Better to change service instance files instead. 
org.openide.util.Utilities.showJFileChooser(JFileChooser, Component, String)
          Not needed in JDK 1.4. 
          Use URI.URI(String) and File.File(URI) instead under JDK 1.4. (There was no proper equivalent under JDK 1.3.) 
          Use File.toURI() and URI.toURL() instead under JDK 1.4. (File.toURL() is buggy in JDK 1.3 and the bugs are not fixed in JDK 1.4.) 
org.openide.util.Utilities.wrapString(String, int, boolean, boolean)
          Use (String, int, BreakIterator, boolean) as it is friendlier to I18N. 
org.openide.util.Utilities.wrapStringToArray(String, int, boolean, boolean)
          use Utilities.wrapStringToArray(String, int, BreakIterator, boolean) since it is better for I18N 

Deprecated Constructors
          Does not work nicely with JavaHelp. 
          Use new Template (Object.class) which is going to be better typed with JDK1.5 templates and should produce the same result. 
          There is no reason to instantiate or subclass this class. All methods in it are static. 

org.openide.util 6.8.31

Built on March 26 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.