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JavaDocTag.See (NetBeans Java Hierarchy API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.1

org.openide.src 1.8.31

Interface JavaDocTag.See

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface JavaDocTag.See
extends JavaDocTag

Represents a see also documentation tag.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.openide.src.JavaDocTag
JavaDocTag.Param, JavaDocTag.See, JavaDocTag.SerialField, JavaDocTag.Throws
Method Summary
 String label()
          Return the label of the see tag.
 String referencedClassName()
          get the class name part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) .
 String referencedMemberName()
          get the name of the member referenced by the prototype part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) .
Methods inherited from interface org.openide.src.JavaDocTag
kind, name, text

Method Detail


String label()
Return the label of the see tag.


String referencedClassName()
get the class name part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) . This function returns String. Returns null if format was not that of java reference. Return empty string if class name was not specified..


String referencedMemberName()
get the name of the member referenced by the prototype part of @see, For instance, if the comment is @see String#startsWith(java.lang.String) . This function returns "startsWith(java.lang.String)" Returns null if format was not that of java reference. Return empty string if member name was not specified..

org.openide.src 1.8.31

Built on March 26 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.