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Uses of Class org.openide.nodes.Node (NetBeans Nodes API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.1

org.openide.nodes 6.7.31

Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
org.openide.cookies Cookies are a design pattern used to add behaviors to existing data object and nodes, or to separate implementation from the main object. 
org.openide.nodes The IDE uses nodes to represent JavaBeans or other property containers, formed into a hierarchical tree. 

Uses of Node in org.openide.cookies

Methods in org.openide.cookies that return Node
 Node ConnectionCookie.Event.getNode()
          Getter for the node that produced the action.

Methods in org.openide.cookies with parameters of type Node
 void ConnectionCookie.register(ConnectionCookie.Type type, Node listener)
          Deprecated. Attaches new node to listen to events produced by this event.
 void ConnectionCookie.unregister(ConnectionCookie.Type type, Node listener)
          Deprecated. Unregisters an listener.

Constructors in org.openide.cookies with parameters of type Node
ConnectionCookie.Event(Node n, ConnectionCookie.Type t)

Uses of Node in org.openide.nodes

Subclasses of Node in org.openide.nodes
 class AbstractNode
          A basic implementation of a node.
 class BeanNode
          Represents one JavaBean in the nodes hierarchy.
 class FilterNode
          A proxy for another node.
 class IndexedNode
          An implementation of a node that has children and supports reordering by providing Index implementor.

Fields in org.openide.nodes declared as Node
static Node Node.EMPTY
          An empty leaf node.
protected  Node FilterNode.Children.original
          Original node.

Methods in org.openide.nodes that return Node
abstract  Node Node.cloneNode()
          Clone the node.
 Node FilterNode.cloneNode()
          Create new filter node for the original.
 Node AbstractNode.cloneNode()
          Clone the node.
protected  Node FilterNode.Children.copyNode(Node node)
          Allows subclasses to override creation of node representants for nodes in the mirrored children list.
 Node BeanChildren.Factory.createNode(Object bean)
          Create a node for a child bean.
protected  Node[] FilterNode.Children.createNodes(Object key)
          Create nodes representing copies of the original node's children.
protected abstract  Node[] Children.Keys.createNodes(Object key)
          Create nodes for a given key.
protected  Node[] BeanChildren.createNodes(Object subbean)
          Creates a node representant for given bean.
static Node NodeOp.findChild(Node node, String name)
          Look for a node child of given name.
 Node FilterNode.Children.findChild(String name)
 Node Children.findChild(String name)
          Find a child node by name.
static Node NodeOp.findPath(Node start, Enumeration names)
          Traverse a path from a parent node down, by an enumeration of names.
static Node NodeOp.findPath(Node start, String[] names)
          Traverse a path from a parent node down, by an enumeration of names.
static Node NodeOp.findRoot(Node node)
          Find the root for a given node.
static Node[] NodeOp.fromHandles(Node.Handle[] handles)
          Takes array of handles and creates array of nodes.
 Node NodeNotFoundException.getClosestNode()
          Get the closest node to the target that was able to be found.
 Node[] NodeMemberEvent.getDelta()
          Get a list of children that changed.
 Node NodeEvent.getNode()
          Get the node where the change occurred.
 Node Node.Handle.getNode()
          Reconstitute the node for this handle.
 Node DefaultHandle.getNode()
          Find the node.
protected  Node Children.getNode()
          Get the parent node of these children.
 Node[] Index.getNodes()
          Get the child nodes.
abstract  Node[] Index.Support.getNodes()
          Get the nodes; should be overridden if needed.
 Node[] Children.getNodes()
          Get a (sorted) array of nodes in this list.
 Node[] FilterNode.Children.getNodes(boolean optimalResult)
          Implementation that ensures the original node is fully initialized if optimal result is requested.
 Node[] Children.getNodes(boolean optimalResult)
          Get a (sorted) array of nodes in this list.
protected  Node FilterNode.getOriginal()
          Get the original node.
 Node Node.getParentNode()
          Get the parent node.
static Node NodeTransfer.node(Transferable t, int action)
          Obtain a node from a transferable.
static Node[] NodeTransfer.nodes(Transferable t, int action)
          Obtain a list of nodes from a transferable.
 Node NodeOperation.select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root)
          Open a modal Explorer accepting only a single node.
 Node[] NodeOperation.select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root, NodeAcceptor acceptor)
          Open a modal Explorer without any extra dialog component.
abstract  Node[] NodeOperation.select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root, NodeAcceptor acceptor, Component top)
          Open a modal Explorer on a root node, permitting a node selection to be returned.

Methods in org.openide.nodes with parameters of type Node
 boolean NodeAcceptor.acceptNodes(Node[] nodes)
          Is the set of nodes acceptable?
 boolean FilterNode.Children.add(Node[] arr)
abstract  boolean Children.add(Node[] nodes)
          Add nodes this container.
 boolean Children.Array.add(Node[] arr)
 boolean Children.Map.add(Node[] arr)
          Does nothing.
 boolean Children.Keys.add(Node[] arr)
protected  void FilterNode.Children.changeOriginal(Node original)
          Sets the original children for this children.
protected  void FilterNode.changeOriginal(Node original, boolean changeChildren)
          Changes the original node for this node.
static int[] NodeOp.computePermutation(Node[] arr1, Node[] arr2)
          Compute a permutation between two arrays of nodes.
static int[] NodeOp.computePermutation(Node[] arr1, Node[] arr2)
          Compute a permutation between two arrays of nodes.
protected  Node FilterNode.Children.copyNode(Node node)
          Allows subclasses to override creation of node representants for nodes in the mirrored children list.
static DefaultHandle DefaultHandle.createHandle(Node node)
          Create a handle for a given node.
static String[] NodeOp.createPath(Node node, Node parent)
          Find a path (by name) from one node to the root or a parent.
abstract  boolean NodeOperation.customize(Node n)
          Tries to open a customization dialog for the specified node.
protected  void Children.Keys.destroyNodes(Node[] arr)
          Called when the nodes have been removed from the children.
abstract  void NodeOperation.explore(Node n)
          Explore a node (and its subhierarchy).
static Action[] NodeOp.findActions(Node[] nodes)
          Asks the provided nodes for their actions and those that are common, to all of them returns.
static Node NodeOp.findChild(Node node, String name)
          Look for a node child of given name.
static JPopupMenu NodeOp.findContextMenu(Node[] nodes)
          Compute common menu for specified nodes.
static Node NodeOp.findPath(Node start, Enumeration names)
          Traverse a path from a parent node down, by an enumeration of names.
static Node NodeOp.findPath(Node start, String[] names)
          Traverse a path from a parent node down, by an enumeration of names.
static Node NodeOp.findRoot(Node node)
          Find the root for a given node.
 int Index.indexOf(Node node)
          Get the index of a given node.
 int Index.Support.indexOf(Node node)
          Get the index of a node.
 int Index.ArrayChildren.indexOf(Node node)
static boolean NodeOp.isSon(Node parent, Node son)
          Test whether the second node is a (direct) child of the first one.
protected  void Children.Map.put(Object key, Node node)
          Add one key and one node to the list.
 boolean FilterNode.Children.remove(Node[] arr)
abstract  boolean Children.remove(Node[] nodes)
          Remove nodes from the list.
 boolean Children.Array.remove(Node[] arr)
 boolean Children.Map.remove(Node[] arr)
          Does nothing.
 boolean Children.Keys.remove(Node[] arr)
 Node NodeOperation.select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root)
          Open a modal Explorer accepting only a single node.
 Node[] NodeOperation.select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root, NodeAcceptor acceptor)
          Open a modal Explorer without any extra dialog component.
abstract  Node[] NodeOperation.select(String title, String rootTitle, Node root, NodeAcceptor acceptor, Component top)
          Open a modal Explorer on a root node, permitting a node selection to be returned.
abstract  void NodeOperation.showProperties(Node n)
          Open a modal Property Sheet on a node.
abstract  void NodeOperation.showProperties(Node[] n)
          Open a modal Property Sheet on a set of nodes.
static Node.Handle[] NodeOp.toHandles(Node[] nodes)
          Takes array of nodes and creates array of handles.
static ExTransferable.Single NodeTransfer.transferable(Node n, int actions)
          Creates transferable that represents a node operation, such as cut-to-clipboard.
 PasteType[] NodeTransfer.Paste.types(Node target)
          Method that checks the type of target node and can decide which paste types it supports.

Constructors in org.openide.nodes with parameters of type Node
FilterNode.Children(Node or)
          Create children.
FilterNode(Node original)
          Create proxy.
FilterNode(Node original, Children children)
          Create proxy with a different set of children.
FilterNode(Node original, Children children, Lookup lookup)
          Constructs new filter node with a provided children and lookup.
NodeEvent(Node n)
          Create a new event.
PropertySupport.Name(Node node)
          Create the name property for a node with the standard name and hint.
PropertySupport.Name(Node node, String propName, String hint)
          Create the name property for a node.

Uses of Node in org.openide.util.actions

Methods in org.openide.util.actions that return Node
 Node[] NodeAction.getActivatedNodes()
          Get the currently activated nodes.

Methods in org.openide.util.actions with parameters of type Node
protected abstract  boolean NodeAction.enable(Node[] activatedNodes)
          Test whether the action should be enabled based on the currently activated nodes.
protected  boolean CookieAction.enable(Node[] activatedNodes)
          Test for enablement based on the cookies of selected nodes.
protected abstract  void NodeAction.performAction(Node[] activatedNodes)
          Perform the action based on the currently activated nodes.

org.openide.nodes 6.7.31

Built on March 26 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.