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C-Index (NetBeans Nodes API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.1

org.openide.nodes 6.7.31


canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be copied?
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be copied?
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node permits copying.
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be cut?
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be cut?
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node permits cutting.
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be destroyed?
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be removed?
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canDestroy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node can be deleted.
canIndexedRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canIndexedRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.IndexedProperty
Test whether the property is readable by index.
canIndexedWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canIndexedWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.IndexedProperty
Test whether the property is writable by index.
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.Property
Test whether the property is readable.
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport
canRead() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Can this node be renamed?
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Can this node be renamed?
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
canRename() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Test whether this node can be renamed.
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.IndexedPropertySupport
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node.Property
Test whether the property is writable.
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport
canWrite() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.PropertySupport.Reflection
changeOriginal(Node, boolean) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Changes the original node for this node.
changeOriginal(Node) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
Sets the original children for this children.
Children - Class in org.openide.nodes
Container for array of nodes.
Children() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children
Children.Array - Class in org.openide.nodes
Implements the storage of node children by an array.
Children.Array(Collection) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Constructs a new list and allows a subclass to provide its own implementation of Collection to store data in.
Children.Array() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Constructs a new array children without any assigned collection.
Children.Keys - Class in org.openide.nodes
Implements an array of child nodes associated nonuniquely with keys and sorted by these keys.
Children.Keys() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
Children.Map - Class in org.openide.nodes
Implements the storage of node children by a map.
Children.Map(Map) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map
Constructs a new list with a supplied map object.
Children.Map() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.Map
Constructs a new list using HashMap.
Children.SortedArray - Class in org.openide.nodes
Maintains a list of children sorted by the provided comparator in an array.
Children.SortedArray() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedArray
Create an empty list of children.
Children.SortedArray(Collection) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedArray
Create an empty list with a specified storage method.
Children.SortedMap - Class in org.openide.nodes
Maintains a list of children sorted by the provided comparator in a map.
Children.SortedMap() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedMap
Create an empty list.
Children.SortedMap(Map) - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.Children.SortedMap
Create an empty list with a specific storage method.
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Does nothing.
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.NodeListener
Fired when a set of new children is added.
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Does nothing.
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.NodeListener
Fired when a set of children is removed.
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.NodeAdapter
Does nothing.
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeAdapter
childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.NodeListener
Fired when the order of children is changed.
CLIPBOARD_COPY - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Constant indicating copying to the clipboard.
CLIPBOARD_CUT - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Constant indicating cutting to the clipboard.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Copy this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
clipboardCopy() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Called when a node is to be copied to the clipboard.
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Cut this node to the clipboard.
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
clipboardCut() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Called when a node is to be cut to the clipboard.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Array
Clones all nodes that are contained in the children list.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children
Handles cloning in the right way, that can be later extended by subclasses.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
Special handling for clonning.
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
clone() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Implements Object.clone() to behave correctly if cloning is desired.
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Clone the node.
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Create new filter node for the original.
cloneNode() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Node
Clone the node.
cloneSet() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet.Set
Clone the property set.
cloneSheet() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Create a deep copy of the sheet.
close() - Method in interface org.openide.cookies.CloseCookie
Closes the object if it is open.
CloseCookie - Interface in org.openide.cookies
Permits an object which was opened to be closed.
computePermutation(Node[], Node[]) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeOp
Compute a permutation between two arrays of nodes.
computeProperties(Object, BeanInfo) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Computes a descriptor for properties from a bean info.
ConnectionCookie - Interface in org.openide.cookies
Deprecated. Should no longer be used.
ConnectionCookie.Event - Class in org.openide.cookies
Deprecated. Event that is fired to listeners.
ConnectionCookie.Event(Node, ConnectionCookie.Type) - Constructor for class org.openide.cookies.ConnectionCookie.Event
ConnectionCookie.Listener - Interface in org.openide.cookies
Deprecated. Cookie that must be provided by a node that is willing to register itself as a listener to a ConnectionCookie.
ConnectionCookie.Type - Interface in org.openide.cookies
Deprecated. Interface describing cookie type of event a cookie can produce.
cookie(Transferable, int, Class) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Obtain a cookie instance from the copied node in a transferable.
CookieAction - Class in org.openide.util.actions
An action dependent on the cookies of the selected nodes.
CookieAction() - Constructor for class org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction
cookieClasses() - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction
Get the cookies that this action requires.
CookieSet - Class in org.openide.nodes
Support class for storing cookies and retriving them by representation class.
CookieSet() - Constructor for class org.openide.nodes.CookieSet
Default constructor.
CookieSet.Factory - Interface in org.openide.nodes
Factory for creating cookies of given Class
COPY - Static variable in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Generic mask for copying nodes (do not destroy the original).
copyNode(Node) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
Allows subclasses to override creation of node representants for nodes in the mirrored children list.
createActions() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Deprecated. Override Node.getActions(boolean) instead.
createActions() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
createContextAwareInstance(Lookup) - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction
Implements ContextAwareAction interface method.
createContextAwareInstance(Lookup) - Method in class org.openide.util.actions.NodeAction
Implements ContextAwareAction interface method.
createCookie(Class) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.CookieSet.Factory
Creates a Node.Cookie of given class.
createDefault() - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Convenience method to create new sheet with only one empty set, named Sheet.PROPERTIES.
createExpertSet() - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Convenience method to create new sheet set named Sheet.EXPERT.
createHandle(Node) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.DefaultHandle
Create a handle for a given node.
createIndex() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Index.KeysChildren
The method that creates the supporting index for this children object.
createNode(Object) - Method in interface org.openide.nodes.BeanChildren.Factory
Create a node for a child bean.
createNodeListener() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Creates a node listener that allows listening on the original node and propagating events to the proxy.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanChildren
Creates a node representant for given bean.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.Children.Keys
Create nodes for a given key.
createNodes(Object) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode.Children
Create nodes representing copies of the original node's children.
createPaste(NodeTransfer.Paste) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeTransfer
Creates transfer object that is used to carry an intelligent paste source through transferable or clipboard.
createPasteTypes(Transferable, List) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Accumulate the paste types that this node can handle for a given transferable.
createPath(Node, Node) - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeOp
Find a path (by name) from one node to the root or a parent.
createProperties(Object, BeanInfo) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.BeanNode
Prepare node properties based on the bean, storing them into the current property sheet.
createPropertiesSet() - Static method in class org.openide.nodes.Sheet
Convenience method to create new sheet set named Sheet.PROPERTIES.
createPropertyChangeListener() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.FilterNode
Create a property change listener that allows listening on the original node properties (contained in property sets) and propagating them to the proxy.
createSheet() - Method in class org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode
Initialize a default property sheet; commonly overridden.
customize(Node) - Method in class org.openide.nodes.NodeOperation
Tries to open a customization dialog for the specified node.

org.openide.nodes 6.7.31
Built on March 26 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.