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Uses of Class org.openide.NotifyDescriptor (NetBeans Dialogs API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.1

org.openide.dialogs 6.5.31

Uses of Class

Uses of NotifyDescriptor in org.openide

Subclasses of NotifyDescriptor in org.openide
 class DialogDescriptor
          A description of a standard dialog.
static class NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation
          Provides a description of a possible action and requests confirmation from the user before proceeding.
static class NotifyDescriptor.Exception
          Deprecated. Better to use ErrorManager.notify(int, java.lang.Throwable)
static class NotifyDescriptor.InputLine
          Notification providing for a line of text input.
static class NotifyDescriptor.Message
          Provides information about the results of a command.
 class WizardDescriptor
          Implements a basic "wizard" GUI system.

Methods in org.openide with parameters of type NotifyDescriptor
abstract  Object DialogDisplayer.notify(NotifyDescriptor descriptor)
          Notify the user of something in a message box, possibly with feedback.

org.openide.dialogs 6.5.31

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