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org.openide.windows (NetBeans Input/Output API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.0

org.openide.io 1.9.22

Package org.openide.windows

Interfaces for working with input/output tabs.


Interface Summary
InputOutput An I/O connection to one tab on the Output Window.
OutputListener Listener to actions taken on a line in the Output Window.

Class Summary
IOProvider A factory for IO tabs shown in the output window.
OutputEvent Event fired when something happens to a line in the Output Window.
OutputWriter A PrintWriter subclass for writing to a tab in the output window.

Package org.openide.windows Description

Interfaces for working with input/output tabs.

A few other parts of the IDE use the Output Window to display messages from a running process or operation of some sort - for example, the progress of compilation, or status messages from the Java parser.

The Output Window is organized into tabs, each of which is capable of handling both input and output. IOProvider.getIO(String, boolean) will get the InputOutput handle for one tab of the output window. Frequently, though, such a tab will be created by IDE implementation code and passed to your code automatically.

org.openide.io 1.9.22

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.