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org.openide.filesystems (NetBeans File Systems API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.0

org.openide.filesystems 6.4.22

Package org.openide.filesystems

The IDE internally uses the concept of a virtual filesystem.


Interface Summary
AbstractFileSystem.Attr Handle attributes of files.
AbstractFileSystem.Change Controls modification of files.
AbstractFileSystem.Info Information about files.
AbstractFileSystem.List Provides access to the hierarchy of resources.
AbstractFileSystem.Transfer Controls on moving of files.
FileChangeListener Listener for changes in FileObjects.
FileStatusListener Listener to changes in annotation of file objects.
FileSystem.AtomicAction An action that it is to be called atomically with respect to filesystem event notification.
FileSystem.HtmlStatus Extension interface for Status provides HTML-formatted annotations.
FileSystem.Status Allows a filesystem to annotate a group of files (typically comprising a data object) with additional markers.
RepositoryListener Listener to changes in the filesystem pool.

Class Summary
AbstractFileSystem This convenience implementation does much of the hard work of FileSystem and is generally more pleasant to create subclasses of.
DefaultAttributes Implementation of AbstractFileSystem.Attr using a special file in each folder for holding attributes.
FileAttributeEvent Event used to listen on filesystem attribute changes.
FileChangeAdapter Adapter for changes in FileObjects.
FileEvent Event for listening on filesystem changes.
FileLock Represents an acquired lock on a FileObject.
FileObject This is the base for all implementations of file objects on a filesystem.
FileRenameEvent Event indicating a file rename.
FileStatusEvent Event describing a change in annotation of files.
FileSystem Interface that provides basic information about a virtual filesystem in the IDE.
FileSystem.Environment Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
FileSystemCapability Deprecated. Now useless.
FileSystemCapability.Bean Deprecated. For the same reason the whole class is.
FileUtil Common utilities for handling files.
JarFileSystem A virtual filesystem based on a JAR archive.
JarFileSystem.Impl Implementation of all interfaces List, Change, Info and Attr that delegates to JarFileSystem
LocalFileSystem Local filesystem.
LocalFileSystem.Impl The implementation class that implements List, Info and Change interfaces and delegates all the methods to appropriate methods of LocalFileSystem.
MIMEResolver This class is intended as superclass for individual resolvers.
MultiFileSystem General base class for filesystems which proxy to others.
Repository Holder for system filesystem, used for most of NetBeans' runtime configuration.
RepositoryAdapter Dummy adapter for RepositoryListener.
RepositoryEvent Event describing adding a filesystem to, or removing a filesystem from, the filesystem pool.
RepositoryReorderedEvent Fired when a filesystem pool is reordered.
URLMapper Mapper from FileObject -> URL.
XMLFileSystem XML-based filesystem.
XMLFileSystem.Impl Implementation of all interfaces List, Change, Info and Attr that delegates to XMLFileSystem

Exception Summary
EnvironmentNotSupportedException Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
FileAlreadyLockedException Exception raised when a file is already locked.
FileStateInvalidException Signals that the file object is somehow corrupted.

Package org.openide.filesystems Description

The IDE internally uses the concept of a virtual filesystem. This interface is used by all upper layers of the IDE to read & write files, mount & display directories, move and delete files, and allow external compilation and execution to find libraries correctly.

The IDE itself implements two filesystems: a local filesystem, which encapsulates access to the operating system's normal files; and a JAR filesystem, which allows users to mount Java Archive Files as if they were read-only directories.

Using the Filesystems API, third parties may add support for access to file-like objects stored in some different manner - for example, in a database or proprietary object storage system. More commonly, module authors should use this API whenever they need access to files; then their module should work automatically with any filesystem supported by the IDE.

Other capabilities provided by the Filesystems API include locking files during write operations; listening for changes in a file's status, so that another part of the IDE may reflect that change; and providing support for including the filesystem in the runtime class path of an external compiler or executor.

org.openide.filesystems 6.4.22

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.