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Uses of Interface org.openide.WizardDescriptor.Iterator (NetBeans Dialogs API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.0

org.openide.dialogs 6.5.22

Uses of Interface

Uses of WizardDescriptor.Iterator in org.openide

Subinterfaces of WizardDescriptor.Iterator in org.openide
static interface WizardDescriptor.AsynchronousInstantiatingIterator
          Iterator for a wizard that needs to somehow instantiate new objects outside ATW queue.
static interface WizardDescriptor.InstantiatingIterator
          Iterator for a wizard that needs to somehow instantiate new objects.

Classes in org.openide that implement WizardDescriptor.Iterator
static class WizardDescriptor.ArrayIterator
          Special iterator that works on an array of Panels.

Methods in org.openide with parameters of type WizardDescriptor.Iterator
 void WizardDescriptor.setPanels(WizardDescriptor.Iterator panels)
          Set a different list of panels.

Constructors in org.openide with parameters of type WizardDescriptor.Iterator
WizardDescriptor(WizardDescriptor.Iterator panels)
          Create wizard for a sequence of panels, with settings defaulted to this.
WizardDescriptor(WizardDescriptor.Iterator panels, Object settings)
          Create wizard for a sequence of panels, passing some settings to the panels.

org.openide.dialogs 6.5.22

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