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PaletteFactory (NetBeans Palette API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.0

org.netbeans.spi.palette/1 1.6.1

Class PaletteFactory

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.palette.PaletteFactory

public final class PaletteFactory
extends Object

PaletteFactory creating new PaletteController instances.

Method Summary
static PaletteController createPalette(Node paletteRoot, PaletteActions customActions)
          Create a new palette from the given root Node.
static PaletteController createPalette(Node paletteRoot, PaletteActions customActions, PaletteFilter filter, DragAndDropHandler dndHandler)
          Create a new palette from the given root Node.
static PaletteController createPalette(String rootFolderName, PaletteActions customActions)
          Create a new palette from the given folder.
static PaletteController createPalette(String rootFolderName, PaletteActions customActions, PaletteFilter filter, DragAndDropHandler dndHandler)
          Create a new palette from the given folder.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static PaletteController createPalette(String rootFolderName,
                                              PaletteActions customActions)
                                       throws IOException
Create a new palette from the given folder.

rootFolderName - Name of palette's root folder, its sub-folders are categories. Cannot be null.
customActions - Import actions for palette customizer.
IOException - If the given folder cannot be found.


public static PaletteController createPalette(String rootFolderName,
                                              PaletteActions customActions,
                                              PaletteFilter filter,
                                              DragAndDropHandler dndHandler)
                                       throws IOException
Create a new palette from the given folder.

rootFolderName - Name of palette's root folder, its sub-folders are categories. Cannot be null.
customActions - Import actions for palette customizer.
filter - A filter that can dynamically hide some categories and items.
dndHandler - Handle drop of new items into palette window and add custom DataFlavors to the Transferable of items being dragged from the palette to editor window. Can be null.
IOException - If the given folder cannot be found.


public static PaletteController createPalette(Node paletteRoot,
                                              PaletteActions customActions)
Create a new palette from the given root Node.

paletteRoot - Palette's root Node, its children are categories, their children are palette items.
customActions - Import actions for palette customizer.


public static PaletteController createPalette(Node paletteRoot,
                                              PaletteActions customActions,
                                              PaletteFilter filter,
                                              DragAndDropHandler dndHandler)
Create a new palette from the given root Node.

paletteRoot - Palette's root Node, its children are categories, their children are palette items. Cannot be null.
customActions - Import actions for palette customizer. Cannot be null.
filter - A filter that can dynamically hide some categories and items. Can be null.
dndHandler - Handle drop of new items into palette window and add custom DataFlavors to the Transferable of items being dragged from the palette to editor window. Can be null.

org.netbeans.spi.palette/1 1.6.1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.