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Uses of Class org.openide.windows.TopComponent (NetBeans Windows API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.0.0


Uses of Class

Uses of TopComponent in org.openide.windows

Subclasses of TopComponent in org.openide.windows
 class CloneableTopComponent
          A top component which may be cloned.

Methods in org.openide.windows that return TopComponent
abstract  TopComponent WindowManager.findTopComponent(String tcID)
          Returns TopComponent for given unique ID.
 TopComponent TopComponent.Cloneable.cloneComponent()
          Creates a clone of this component
 TopComponent TopComponent.Registry.getActivated()
          Get the currently selected element.
 TopComponent[] Mode.getTopComponents()
          Get all top components currently docked into this mode.
 TopComponent Mode.getSelectedTopComponent()
          Gets selected TopComponent in this mode.
 TopComponent CloneableTopComponent.cloneComponent()
          Clone the top component and register the clone.

Methods in org.openide.windows with parameters of type TopComponent
 Mode Workspace.findMode(TopComponent c)
          Deprecated. Use WindowManager.findMode(TopComponent) instead.
abstract  Mode WindowManager.findMode(TopComponent tc)
          Finds mode which contains specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  WindowManager.Component WindowManager.createTopComponentManager(TopComponent c)
          Create a component manager for the given top component.
protected static WindowManager.Component WindowManager.findComponentManager(TopComponent tc)
          Deprecated. Do not use anymore. See WindowManager.Component deprecation.
protected  void WindowManager.activateComponent(TopComponent tc)
          Activate a component.
protected  void WindowManager.componentOpenNotify(TopComponent tc)
          Notifies component that it was opened (and wasn't opened on any workspace before).
protected  void WindowManager.componentCloseNotify(TopComponent tc)
          Notifies component that it was closed (and is not opened on any workspace anymore).
protected  void WindowManager.componentShowing(TopComponent tc)
          Notifies TopComponent it is about to be shown.
protected  void WindowManager.componentHidden(TopComponent tc)
          Notifies TopComponent it was hidden.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentOpen(TopComponent tc)
          Provides opening of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentClose(TopComponent tc)
          Provides closing of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentRequestActive(TopComponent tc)
          Provides activation of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentRequestVisible(TopComponent tc)
          Provides selection of specfied TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentDisplayNameChanged(TopComponent tc, String displayName)
          Informs about change of display name of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentHtmlDisplayNameChanged(TopComponent tc, String htmlDisplayName)
          Informs about change of html display name of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentToolTipChanged(TopComponent tc, String toolTip)
          Informs about change of tooltip of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentIconChanged(TopComponent tc, Image icon)
          Informs about chagne of icon of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  void WindowManager.topComponentActivatedNodesChanged(TopComponent tc, Node[] activatedNodes)
          Informs about change of activated nodes of specified TopComponent.
protected abstract  boolean WindowManager.topComponentIsOpened(TopComponent tc)
          Indicates whether specified TopComponent is opened.
protected abstract  Action[] WindowManager.topComponentDefaultActions(TopComponent tc)
          Gets default list of actions which appear in popup menu of TopComponent.
protected abstract  String WindowManager.topComponentID(TopComponent tc, String preferredID)
          Returns unique ID for specified TopComponent.
protected  void WindowManager.topComponentRequestAttention(TopComponent tc)
          Cause this TopComponent's tab to flash or otherwise draw the users' attention to it.
protected  void WindowManager.topComponentToFront(TopComponent tc)
          Attempts to bring the parent Window of the given TopComponent to front of other windows.
protected  void WindowManager.topComponentCancelRequestAttention(TopComponent tc)
          Stop this TopComponent's tab from flashing if it is flashing.
 String WindowManager.findTopComponentID(TopComponent tc)
          Returns unique ID for specified TopComponent.
static void TopComponent.NodeName.connect(TopComponent top, Node n)
          Deprecated. Connects a top component and a node.
 boolean Mode.dockInto(TopComponent c)
          Attaches a component to a mode for this workspace.
 boolean Mode.canDock(TopComponent tc)
          Allows implementor to specify some restrictive policy as to which top components can be docked into this mode.

Constructors in org.openide.windows with parameters of type TopComponent
TopComponent.NodeName(TopComponent top)
          Deprecated. Please do not use, public just by an accident.


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