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GlobalPathRegistryListener (NetBeans Java Support APIs) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.0.0


Interface GlobalPathRegistryListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface GlobalPathRegistryListener
extends EventListener

Event listener interface for being notified of changes in the set of available paths.

Method Summary
 void pathsAdded(GlobalPathRegistryEvent event)
          Called when some paths are added.
 void pathsRemoved(GlobalPathRegistryEvent event)
          Called when some paths are removed.

Method Detail


public void pathsAdded(GlobalPathRegistryEvent event)
Called when some paths are added. Only applies to the first copy of a path that is added.

event - an event giving details


public void pathsRemoved(GlobalPathRegistryEvent event)
Called when some paths are removed. Only applies to the last copy of a path that is removed.

event - an event giving details


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