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FileSystem.Status (NetBeans APIs) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0

Interface FileSystem.Status

All Known Subinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface FileSystem.Status

Allows a filesystem to annotate a group of files (typically comprising a data object) with additional markers.

This could be useful, for example, for a filesystem supporting version control. It could annotate names and icons of data nodes according to whether the files were current, locked, etc.

Method Summary
 Image annotateIcon(Image icon, int iconType, Set files)
          Annotate the icon of a file cluster.
 String annotateName(String name, Set files)
          Annotate the name of a file cluster.

Method Detail


public String annotateName(String name,
                           Set files)
Annotate the name of a file cluster.

name - the name suggested by default
files - an immutable set of FileObjects belonging to this filesystem
the annotated name (may be the same as the passed-in name)
ClassCastException - if the files in the set are not of valid types


public Image annotateIcon(Image icon,
                          int iconType,
                          Set files)
Annotate the icon of a file cluster.

Please do not modify the original; create a derivative icon image, using a weak-reference cache if necessary.

icon - the icon suggested by default
iconType - an icon type from BeanInfo
files - an immutable set of FileObjects belonging to this filesystem
the annotated icon (may be the same as the passed-in icon)
ClassCastException - if the files in the set are not of valid types

Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.