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org.netbeans.api.xmi (NetBeans MDR API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Package org.netbeans.api.xmi

API classes and interfaces that are used for import/export of XMI documents into/from a JMI-compliant repository.


Interface Summary
XMIReferenceProvider Implementation of this interface can be passed to XMI producers/writers (using XMIOutputConfig.setReferenceProvider(org.netbeans.api.xmi.XMIReferenceProvider) method) to enable custom controling of target documents the written object should go into and what XMI ID they should use.
XMIReferenceResolver Implementation of this interface can be passed to XMI reader/consumer (using XMIInputConfig.setReferenceResolver(org.netbeans.api.xmi.XMIReferenceResolver) method) to enable custom resolving of hrefs.

Class Summary
XMIInputConfig Configuration class for objects taking XMI as input (e.g.
XMIOutputConfig Configuration class for objects producing XMI as output (e.g.
XMIReader Base class for enhanced XMI readers.
XMIReaderFactory Factory class for creating instances of XMI reader objects.
XMIReferenceProvider.XMIReference Simple structure for representing XMI references to elements corresponding to an object.
XMIWriter Base class for enhanced XMI writers.
XMIWriterFactory Factory for XMI writers.

Package org.netbeans.api.xmi Description

API classes and interfaces that are used for import/export of XMI documents into/from a JMI-compliant repository. Below is a description of the most common use-cases.

Reading XMI

XMIReader instances can be used for reading XMI documents. XMIReader class extends the standard javax.jmi.xmi.XmiReader interface and is a little more flexible (allows plugging of custom XMIReferenceResolver implementations via XMIInputConfig for custom handling of references (href's) in the XMI documents being read).

Here is a sample code that creates an empty instance of MOF and reads in an XMI containing some MOF metamodel:

    // get the default repository
    MDRepository repository = MDRManager.getDefault().getDefaultRepository();
    // start a write transaction
    boolean fail = true;
    try {
        // create a new MOF extent
        RefPackage mof = repository.createExtent("MyMOFExtent");
        // create an XMIReader
        XMIReader reader = XMIReaderFactory.getDefault().createXMIReader();
        // read the document
        reader.read(new File("myxmifile.xmi").toURL().toString(), mof);
        // everything succeeded => set fail flag to false
        fail = false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Fatal error reading XMI.");
    } finally {
        // commit/rollback the transaction

Writing XMI

Writing is similar to reading. The following code writes content of "MyMOFExtent" to an XMI file:

    // get the default repository
    MDRepository repository = MDRManager.getDefault().getDefaultRepository();
    // declare an output stream
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    // start a read-only transaction
    try {
        // get the extent
        RefPackage mof = repository.getExtent("MyMOFExtent");
        // create an XMIWriter
        XMIWriter writer = XMIWriterFactory.getDefault().createXMIWriter();
        // open a stream
        out = new FileOutputStream("myxmifile.xml");
        // export the document (default version of XMI = 1.2)
        writer.write(out, mof, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Fatal error reading XMI.");
    } finally {
        // release the transaction
        // close the stream if necessary
        if (out != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {


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