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Uses of Interface org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.Iterator (NetBeans Loaders API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Uses of Interface

Packages that use TemplateWizard.Iterator
org.openide.loaders Datasystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and the regular functions of the IDE. 

Uses of TemplateWizard.Iterator in org.openide.loaders

Methods in org.openide.loaders that return TemplateWizard.Iterator
protected  TemplateWizard.Iterator TemplateWizard.createDefaultIterator()
          Allows subclasses to provide their own default iterator the one that will be used if not special iterator is associated with selected template.
static TemplateWizard.Iterator TemplateWizard.getIterator(DataObject obj)
          Finds a custom iterator attached to a template that should be used to instantiate the object.

Methods in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type TemplateWizard.Iterator
static void TemplateWizard.setIterator(DataObject obj, TemplateWizard.Iterator iter)
          Deprecated. since 2.13 you should provide the iterator from getCookie method

Constructors in org.openide.loaders with parameters of type TemplateWizard.Iterator
TemplateWizard(TemplateWizard.Iterator it)
          Constructor for wizards that require the target chooser or template chooser panel.


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