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Uses of Class org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.Fold (NetBeans Code Folding API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Uses of Class

Packages that use Fold

Uses of Fold in org.netbeans.api.editor.fold

Methods in org.netbeans.api.editor.fold that return Fold
static Fold[] FoldUtilities.childrenToArray(Fold fold)
          Return children of the given fold as array.
static Fold[] FoldUtilities.childrenToArray(Fold fold, int index, int count)
          Return children of the given fold as array.
static Fold FoldUtilities.findNearestFold(FoldHierarchy hierarchy, int offset)
          Find nearest fold that either starts right at or follows the given offset.
static Fold FoldUtilities.findOffsetFold(FoldHierarchy hierarchy, int offset)
          Find a deepest fold in the hierarchy which contains the offset or has it as one of its boundaries.
static Fold FoldUtilities.findCollapsedFold(FoldHierarchy hierarchy, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Find the first collapsed fold (deep-diving into the hierarchy) in the requested boundaries.
 Fold FoldStateChange.getFold()
          Get the fold that has changed its state.
 Fold FoldHierarchyEvent.getRemovedFold(int removedFoldIndex)
          Get the fold with the given index removed from the fold hierarchy.
 Fold FoldHierarchyEvent.getAddedFold(int addedFoldIndex)
          Get the fold with the given index added to the hierarchy.
 Fold FoldHierarchy.getRootFold()
          Get the root fold of this hierarchy.
 Fold Fold.getParent()
          Get parent fold of this fold.
 Fold Fold.getFold(int index)
          Get child fold of this fold at the given index.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.editor.fold with parameters of type Fold
static boolean FoldUtilities.isRootFold(Fold fold)
          Is the given fold a root fold?
static int FoldUtilities.findFoldStartIndex(Fold fold, int offset)
          Find index of the child of the given fold that starts right at or below the given offset.
static int FoldUtilities.findFoldEndIndex(Fold fold, int offset)
          Find index of the first child of the given fold that ends above the given offset ("contains" the offset).
static boolean FoldUtilities.isEmpty(Fold fold)
          Check whether the starting offset of the fold is the same like its ending offset.
static boolean FoldUtilities.containsOffset(Fold fold, int offset)
          Check whether fold contains the given offset.
static Fold[] FoldUtilities.childrenToArray(Fold fold)
          Return children of the given fold as array.
static Fold[] FoldUtilities.childrenToArray(Fold fold, int index, int count)
          Return children of the given fold as array.
static List FoldUtilities.childrenAsList(Fold fold)
          Return children of the given fold as modifiable list.
static List FoldUtilities.childrenAsList(Fold fold, int index, int count)
          Return children of the given fold as list.
static List FoldUtilities.find(Fold fold, FoldType foldType)
          Find direct subfolds of the given fold having certain type.
static List FoldUtilities.find(Fold fold, Collection foldTypes)
          Find direct subfolds of the given fold having any of the fold types in the given collection.
static List FoldUtilities.findRecursive(Fold fold)
          Collect all children of the given fold recursively.
static List FoldUtilities.findRecursive(Fold fold, FoldType foldType)
          Recursively find any subfolds of the given fold having certain type.
static List FoldUtilities.findRecursive(Fold fold, Collection foldTypes)
          Recursively find any subfolds of the given fold having any of the fold types in the given collection.
 void FoldHierarchy.collapse(Fold f)
          Collapse the given fold.
 void FoldHierarchy.expand(Fold f)
          Expand the given fold.
 void FoldHierarchy.toggle(Fold f)
          Collapse the given fold if it's expanded and expand it if it's collapsed.
 int Fold.getFoldIndex(Fold child)
          Get index of the given child fold in this fold.

Uses of Fold in org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold that return Fold
 Fold FoldOperation.addToHierarchy(FoldType type, String description, boolean collapsed, int startOffset, int endOffset, int startGuardedLength, int endGuardedLength, Object extraInfo, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Create new fold instance and add it to the hierarchy.

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold with parameters of type Fold
 void FoldOperation.removeFromHierarchy(Fold fold, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Remove the fold that is either present in the hierarchy or blocked by another fold.
 Object FoldOperation.getExtraInfo(Fold fold)
          Return extra info object passed to fold at time of its creation.
 boolean FoldOperation.isStartDamaged(Fold fold)
          Check whether the starting guarded area of the fold is damaged by a document modification.
 boolean FoldOperation.isEndDamaged(Fold fold)
          Check whether the ending guarded area of the fold is damaged by a document modification.
 boolean FoldOperation.isAddedOrBlocked(Fold fold)
          Check whether the fold is currently present in the hierarchy or blocked.
 boolean FoldOperation.isBlocked(Fold fold)
          Is the given fold blocked by another fold?
 void FoldManager.removeEmptyNotify(Fold epmtyFold)
          Notify that the fold was removed from hierarchy automatically by fold hierarchy infrastructure processing because it became empty (by a document modification).
 void FoldManager.removeDamagedNotify(Fold damagedFold)
          Notify that the fold was removed from hierarchy automatically by fold hierarchy infrastructure processing because it was damaged by a document modification.
 void FoldManager.expandNotify(Fold expandedFold)
          Notify that the fold was expanded automatically by fold hierarchy infrastructure processing because its isExpandNecessary() return true.


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