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org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda (NetBeans Debugger JPDA API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Package org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda

JPDA Debugger APIs.


Interface Summary
CallStackFrame Represents one stack frame.
Field Represents one field.
JPDABreakpointListener Notifies about breakpoint events.
JPDAThread Represents one Java thread in debugged process.
JPDAThreadGroup Represents one Java thread group in debugged process.
JPDAWatch Represents watch in JPDA debugger.
LocalVariable Represents one local.
ObjectVariable Represents instance of some object in debugged JVM.
SmartSteppingFilter Defines list of class exclusion filters to be used to filter stepping in debugged session.
Super Represents super class of some object and its value.
This Represents "this" value for call stack frame.
Variable Represents some variable in debugged JVM.

Class Summary
AbstractDICookie Abstract ancestor of all DebuggerInfo Cookies.
AttachingDICookie Attaches to some already running JDK and returns VirtualMachine for it.
ClassLoadUnloadBreakpoint Notifies about class load and class unload events.
ExceptionBreakpoint Notifies about exceptions throw in debugged JVM.
FieldBreakpoint Notifies about variable change or access events.
JPDABreakpoint Abstract definition of JPDA breakpoint.
JPDABreakpointEvent JPDABreakpoint event notification.
JPDADebugger Represents one JPDA debugger session (one VirtualMachine).
LaunchingDICookie Launches a new JVM in debug mode and returns VirtualMachine for it.
LineBreakpoint Notifies about line breakpoint events.
ListeningDICookie Listens on given port for some connection of remotely running JDK and returns VirtualMachine for it.
MethodBreakpoint Notifies about method entry events.
ThreadBreakpoint Notifies about thread started and dead events.

Exception Summary
DebuggerStartException Notification about problems during debugger start.
InvalidExpressionException Notification about bad expression.

Package org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda Description

JPDA Debugger APIs.


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.