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org.jboss.seam.framework (JBoss Seam API Documentation) - JBoss Seam 1.1.5 API 英文版文档

@Namespace(value="http://jboss.com/products/seam/framework", prefix="org.jboss.seam.core.framework")

Package org.jboss.seam.framework

Class Summary
BusinessProcessController Superclass for controller objects that control the business process context programmatically.
Controller Base class for controller objects.
CurrentDate The current date, as an instance of java.util.Date.
CurrentDatetime The current date and time, as an instance of java.util.Date.
CurrentTime The current time, as an instance of java.util.Date.
EntityController Base class for controller objects that perform persistence operations using JPA.
EntityHome<E> Base class for Home objects of JPA entities.
EntityQuery A Query object for JPA.
HibernateEntityController Base class for controller objects that perform persistence operations using Hibernate.
HibernateEntityHome<E> Base class for Home objects for Hibernate entities.
HibernateEntityQuery A Query object for Hibernate.
Home<T,E> Base class for components which provide persistence operations to a managed entity instance.
MutableController<T> Base class for controllers which implement the Mutable interface.
PersistenceController<T> Base class for controller objects which require a persistence context object.
Query<T> Base class for components which manage a query result set.

Exception Summary