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End (JBoss Seam API Documentation) - JBoss Seam 1.1.5 API 英文版文档

Annotation Type End

public @interface End

Marks a method as ending a conversation, if the method returns a non-null outcome without throwing an exception. If a list of outcomes is specified, the conversation ends only if the outcome is in the list. A null outcome never ends the conversation. If the method is of type void, the conversation always ends.

Gavin King

Optional Element Summary
 boolean beforeRedirect
          Should the conversation be destroyed before any redirect? (The default behavior is to propagate the conversation across the redirect and then destroy it at the end of the redirected request.)
 String[] ifOutcome
          An empty outcome list is interpreted to mean any outcome except for the null (redisplay) outcome.


public abstract String[] ifOutcome
An empty outcome list is interpreted to mean any outcome except for the null (redisplay) outcome.



public abstract boolean beforeRedirect
Should the conversation be destroyed before any redirect? (The default behavior is to propagate the conversation across the redirect and then destroy it at the end of the redirected request.)

false by default