Class Summary |
AbstractMutable |
Base helper implementation of Mutable |
Actor |
Allows the application to specify the jBPM actorId
during the login cycle. |
ApplicationContext |
Support for injecting the application context |
BusinessProcess |
Holds the task and process ids for the current conversation,
and provides programmatic control over the business process. |
BusinessProcessContext |
Support for injecting the business process context |
Conversation |
Allows the conversation timeout to be set per-conversation,
and the conversation description and switchable outcome to
be set when the application requires workspace management
functionality. |
ConversationContext |
Support for injecting the conversation context |
ConversationEntries |
Manages a map of conversation id to ConversationEntry
in the session context. |
ConversationEntry |
Metadata about an active conversation. |
ConversationList |
ConversationStack |
Support for "breadcrumbs". |
Dispatcher |
Dispatcher for asynchronous methods. |
Dispatcher.Asynchronous |
Ejb |
A seam component that bootstraps the embedded EJB container |
EntityManagerFactory |
A Seam component that boostraps an EntityManagerFactory,
for use of JPA outside of Java EE 5 / Embeddable EJB3. |
EventContext |
Support for injecting the event context |
Events |
Exceptions |
Holds metadata for pages defined in pages.xml, including
page actions and page descriptions. |
Exceptions.DebugPageHandler |
Exceptions.ErrorHandler |
Exceptions.RedirectHandler |
Exceptions.RenderHandler |
Expressions |
Factory for method and value bindings |
FacesContext |
Support for injecting the JSF FacesContext object |
FacesMessages |
A Seam component that TBD. |
FacesPage |
Book-keeping component that persists information
about the conversation associated with the current
page. |
Filter |
Support for declarative application of
Hibernate filters to persistence contexts. |
HibernateSessionFactory |
A Seam component that boostraps a Hibernate SessionFactory |
HttpError |
Convenient HTTP errors |
Init |
A Seam component that holds Seam configuration settings |
Init.FactoryBinding |
Init.FactoryMethod |
Init.ObserverMethod |
Interpolator |
Interpolates EL expressions in Strings |
IsUserInRole |
Manager component for a map of roles assigned
to the current user, as exposed via the JSF
ExternalContext. |
Jbpm |
A seam component that boostraps a JBPM SessionFactory |
Locale |
Manager component for the current user's locale |
LocaleSelector |
Selects the current user's locale |
ManagedHibernateSession |
A Seam component that manages a conversation-scoped extended
persistence context that can be shared by arbitrary other
components. |
ManagedJbpmContext |
Manages a reference to a JbpmSession. |
ManagedPersistenceContext |
A Seam component that manages a conversation-scoped extended
persistence context that can be shared by arbitrary other
components. |
Manager |
The Seam conversation manager. |
Messages |
Support for an application-global resource bundle |
Microcontainer |
A seam component that bootstraps the JBoss microcontainer |
Page |
Metadata about page actions, page parameters, resource bundle
etc, for a particular JSF view id. |
Page.PageParameter |
PageContext |
Support for injecting the page context |
Pageflow |
A Seam component that manages the current
jBPM ProcessInstance used for pageflow. |
Pages |
Holds metadata for pages defined in pages.xml, including
page actions and page descriptions. |
PersistenceContexts |
PojoCache |
PooledTask |
Support for assigning tasks in the pooled task list. |
PooledTaskInstanceList |
Support for the pooled task list. |
ProcessInstance |
A Seam component that allows injection of the current
jBPM ProcessInstance. |
Redirect |
Convenient API for performing browser redirects with
parameters. |
ResourceBundle |
Support for an application-global resource bundle |
SafeActions |
SessionContext |
Support for injecting the session context |
Switcher |
Support for the conversation switcher drop-down menu. |
TaskInstance |
A Seam component that allows injection of the current
jBPM TaskInstance. |
TaskInstanceList |
Support for the task list. |
TaskInstanceListForType |
Support for a list of tasks of a particular type. |
TimeZone |
Manager component for the current user's locale |
TimeZoneSelector |
Selects the current user's time zone, defaulting
to the server time zone. |
Transition |
Allows the application to set the jBPM transition to be used when |
UiComponent |
UserPrincipal |
Manager component for the current user Principal
exposed via the JSF ExternalContext. |
Validation |