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Uses of Class org.jboss.seam.annotations.Startup (JBoss Seam API Documentation) - JBoss Seam 1.1.0 bate2 API 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use Startup

Uses of Startup in org.jboss.seam.core

Classes in org.jboss.seam.core with annotations of type Startup
 class ApplicationContext
          Support for injecting the application context
 class BusinessProcessContext
          Support for injecting the business process context
 class ConversationContext
          Support for injecting the conversation context
 class Ejb
          A seam component that bootstraps the embedded EJB container
 class EntityManagerFactory
          A Seam component that boostraps an EntityManagerFactory, for use of JPA outside of Java EE 5 / Embeddable EJB3.
 class EventContext
          Support for injecting the event context
 class Expressions
          Factory for method and value bindings
 class FacesContext
          Support for injecting the JSF FacesContext object
 class HibernateSessionFactory
          A Seam component that boostraps a Hibernate SessionFactory
 class IsUserInRole
          Manager component for a map of roles assigned to the current user, as exposed via the JSF ExternalContext.
 class Jbpm
          A seam component that boostraps a JBPM SessionFactory
 class Microcontainer
          A seam component that bootstraps the JBoss microcontainer
 class PageContext
          Support for injecting the page context
 class ProcessInstance
          A Seam component that allows injection of the current jBPM ProcessInstance.
 class SessionContext
          Support for injecting the session context
 class TaskInstance
          A Seam component that allows injection of the current jBPM TaskInstance.
 class UserPrincipal
          Manager component for the current user Principal exposed via the JSF ExternalContext.