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org.jboss.seam.interceptors (JBoss Seam API Documentation) - JBoss Seam 1.0.1 API 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.seam.interceptors

Class Summary
BijectionInterceptor Before invoking the component, inject all dependencies.
BusinessProcessInterceptor Interceptor which handles interpretation of jBPM-related annotations.
ConversationInterceptor After the end of the invocation, begin or end a long running conversation, if necessary.
Interceptor Wraps and delegates to a Seam interceptor.
JavaBeanInterceptor Adapts from CGLIB interception to Seam component interception
OutcomeInterceptor Translates Outcome.RETRY to null for JSF
RemoveInterceptor Removes components from the Seam context after invocation of an EJB @Remove method.
RollbackInterceptor Automatically sets transactions to rollback only.
SeamInvocationContext Adapts from EJB interception to Seam component interceptors
ValidationInterceptor Validate the method receiver using Hibernate validator before invoking the method.