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Uses of Interface org.objenesis.instantiator.ObjectInstantiator (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectInstantiator

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.drools.base

Fields in org.drools.base declared as ObjectInstantiator
protected  ObjectInstantiator ClassObjectType.instantiator

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis

Methods in org.objenesis that return ObjectInstantiator
static ObjectInstantiator ObjenesisHelper.getInstantiatorOf(Class clazz)
          Will pick the best instantiator for the provided class.
 ObjectInstantiator ObjenesisBase.getInstantiatorOf(Class clazz)
          Will pick the best instantiator for the provided class.
 ObjectInstantiator Objenesis.getInstantiatorOf(Class clazz)
          Will pick the best instantiator for the provided class.
static ObjectInstantiator ObjenesisHelper.getSerializableObjectInstantiatorOf(Class clazz)
          Same as ObjenesisHelper.getInstantiatorOf(Class) but providing an instantiator emulating ObjectInputStream.readObject behavior.

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis.instantiator

Classes in org.objenesis.instantiator that implement ObjectInstantiator
 class NullInstantiator
          The instantiator that always return a null instance

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis.instantiator.basic

Classes in org.objenesis.instantiator.basic that implement ObjectInstantiator
 class AccessibleInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by grabbing the no-args constructor, making it accessible and then calling Constructor.newInstance().
 class ConstructorInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by grabbing the no args constructor and calling Constructor.newInstance().
 class NewInstanceInstantiator
          The simplest instantiator - simply calls Class.newInstance().
 class ObjectInputStreamInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by using a dummy input stream that always feeds data for an empty object of the same kind.
 class ObjectStreamClassInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by using reflection to make a call to private method ObjectStreamClass.newInstance, present in many JVM implementations.

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis.instantiator.gcj

Classes in org.objenesis.instantiator.gcj that implement ObjectInstantiator
 class GCJInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by making a call to internal GCJ private methods.
 class GCJInstantiatorBase
          Base class for GCJ-based instantiators.
 class GCJSerializationInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by making a call to internal GCJ private methods.

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis.instantiator.jrockit

Classes in org.objenesis.instantiator.jrockit that implement ObjectInstantiator
 class JRockit131Instantiator
          Instantiates a class by making a call to internal JRockit private methods.
 class JRockitLegacyInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by making a call to internal JRockit private methods.

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis.instantiator.sun

Classes in org.objenesis.instantiator.sun that implement ObjectInstantiator
 class Sun13Instantiator
          Instantiates a class by making a call to internal Sun private methods.
 class Sun13InstantiatorBase
          Base class for Sun 1.3 based instantiators.
 class Sun13SerializationInstantiator
          Instantiates a class by making a call to internal Sun private methods.
 class SunReflectionFactoryInstantiator
          Instantiates an object, WITHOUT calling it's constructor, using internal sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory - a class only available on JDK's that use Sun's 1.4 (or later) Java implementation.
 class SunReflectionFactorySerializationInstantiator
          Instantiates an object using internal sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory - a class only available on JDK's that use Sun's 1.4 (or later) Java implementation.

Uses of ObjectInstantiator in org.objenesis.strategy

Methods in org.objenesis.strategy that return ObjectInstantiator
 ObjectInstantiator StdInstantiatorStrategy.newInstantiatorOf(Class type)
          Return an ObjectInstantiator allowing to create instance without any constructor being called.
 ObjectInstantiator SerializingInstantiatorStrategy.newInstantiatorOf(Class type)
          Return an ObjectInstantiator allowing to create instance following the java serialization framework specifications.
 ObjectInstantiator InstantiatorStrategy.newInstantiatorOf(Class type)
          Create a dedicated instantiator for the given class

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