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Uses of Interface org.drools.spi.Extractor (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Extractor
org.drools.rule Contains the binary representations of rule constructs, like Package (which the compiler produces), Rule, and Conditional Elements. 

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.base

Classes in org.drools.base that implement Extractor
 class BaseClassFieldExtractor
          This is the supertype for the ASM generated classes for accessing a field.
 class ClassFieldExtractor
          This provides access to fields, and what their numerical index/object type is.

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.base.evaluators

Methods in org.drools.base.evaluators with parameters of type Extractor
 boolean BaseNotMemberOfEvaluator.evaluate(Extractor extractor1, Object object1, Extractor extractor2, Object object2)
 boolean BaseMemberOfEvaluator.evaluate(Extractor extractor1, Object object1, Extractor extractor2, Object object2)
 boolean BaseNotMemberOfEvaluator.evaluate(Extractor extractor, Object object1, FieldValue object2)
 boolean BaseMemberOfEvaluator.evaluate(Extractor extractor, Object object1, FieldValue object2)

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.base.extractors

Classes in org.drools.base.extractors that implement Extractor
 class BaseBooleanClassFieldExtractor
          A Base class for primitive boolean class field extractors.
 class BaseByteClassFieldExtractor
          A Base class for primitive byte class field extractors.
 class BaseCharClassFieldExtractor
 class BaseDoubleClassFieldExtractor
 class BaseFloatClassFieldExtractor
 class BaseIntClassFieldExtractor
 class BaseLongClassFieldExtractors
 class BaseObjectClassFieldExtractor
 class BaseShortClassFieldExtractor
 class SelfReferenceClassFieldExtractor
          A special field extractor for the self reference "this".

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.facttemplates

Classes in org.drools.facttemplates that implement Extractor
 class FactTemplateFieldExtractor

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.reteoo

Methods in org.drools.reteoo with parameters of type Extractor
 void CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.HashKey.setValue(int index, Object value, Extractor extractor)

Constructors in org.drools.reteoo with parameters of type Extractor
CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.HashKey(int index, Object value, Extractor extractor)

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.rule

Methods in org.drools.rule that return Extractor
 Extractor Declaration.getExtractor()
          Returns the Extractor expression

Methods in org.drools.rule with parameters of type Extractor
 Declaration Pattern.addDeclaration(String identifier, Extractor extractor)
 boolean VariableRestriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemoiry)
 boolean ReturnValueRestriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemoiry)
 boolean OrCompositeRestriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory)
 boolean LiteralRestriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemoiry)
 boolean AndCompositeRestriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory)
 boolean ReturnValueRestriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, Tuple tuple, WorkingMemory workingMemory)

Constructors in org.drools.rule with parameters of type Extractor
Declaration(String identifier, Extractor extractor, Pattern pattern)

Uses of Extractor in org.drools.spi

Subinterfaces of Extractor in org.drools.spi
 interface FieldExtractor

Classes in org.drools.spi that implement Extractor
 class GlobalExtractor
          This is a dummy extractor used during rule compilation and build.
 class PatternExtractor

Methods in org.drools.spi with parameters of type Extractor
 boolean Evaluator.evaluate(Extractor leftExtractor, Object left, Extractor rightExtractor, Object right)
 boolean Evaluator.evaluate(Extractor extractor, Object object1, FieldValue value)
          This method will extract the value from the object1 using the extractor and compare it with the object2.
 boolean Restriction.isAllowed(Extractor extractor, Object object, InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory)

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