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Uses of Interface org.drools.spi.AlphaNodeFieldConstraint (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AlphaNodeFieldConstraint
org.drools.rule Contains the binary representations of rule constructs, like Package (which the compiler produces), Rule, and Conditional Elements. 

Uses of AlphaNodeFieldConstraint in org.drools.reteoo

Methods in org.drools.reteoo that return AlphaNodeFieldConstraint
 AlphaNodeFieldConstraint AlphaNode.getConstraint()
          Retruns the FieldConstraint

Constructors in org.drools.reteoo with parameters of type AlphaNodeFieldConstraint
AccumulateNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint[] resultConstraints, BetaConstraints sourceBinder, BetaConstraints resultBinder, Accumulate accumulate)
AlphaNode(int id, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint constraint, ObjectSource objectSource)
          Construct an AlphaNode with a unique id using the provided FieldConstraint and the given ObjectSource.
AlphaNode(int id, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint constraint, ObjectSource objectSource, boolean hasMemory, int alphaNodeHashingThreshold)
          Construct an AlphaNode with a unique id using the provided FieldConstraint and the given ObjectSource.
CollectNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint[] resultConstraints, BetaConstraints sourceBinder, BetaConstraints resultsBinder, Collect collect)
FromNode(int id, DataProvider dataProvider, TupleSource tupleSource, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint[] constraints, BetaConstraints binder)

Uses of AlphaNodeFieldConstraint in org.drools.rule

Classes in org.drools.rule that implement AlphaNodeFieldConstraint
 class LiteralConstraint
 class MultiRestrictionFieldConstraint
 class PredicateConstraint
 class ReturnValueConstraint
 class VariableConstraint

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