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Uses of Interface org.drools.ruleflow.core.INode (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use INode

Uses of INode in org.drools.ruleflow.core

Subinterfaces of INode in org.drools.ruleflow.core
 interface IEndNode
          Represents an end node in a RuleFlow.
 interface IJoin
          Represents a join node in a RuleFlow.
 interface IRuleSetNode
          Represents a node containing a set of rules in a RuleFlow.
 interface ISplit
          Represents a split node in a RuleFlow.
 interface IStartNode
          Represents a start node in a RuleFlow.

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.core that return INode
 INode IConnection.getFrom()
          Returns the from node of the connection.
 INode IRuleFlowProcess.getNode(long id)
          Returns the node with the given id
 INode[] IRuleFlowProcess.getNodes()
          Returns the nodes of this RuleFlow process.
 INode IConnection.getTo()
          Returns the to node of the connection

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.core with parameters of type INode
 void IRuleFlowProcess.addNode(INode node)
          Method for adding a node to this RuleFlow process.
 void IRuleFlowProcess.removeNode(INode node)
          Method for removing a node from this RuleFlow process

Uses of INode in org.drools.ruleflow.core.impl

Classes in org.drools.ruleflow.core.impl that implement INode
 class EndNode
          Default implementation of an end node.
 class Join
          Default implementation of a join.
 class Node
          Default implementation of a node.
 class RuleSetNode
          Default implementation of a RuleSet node.
 class Split
          Default implementation of a split node.
 class StartNode
          Default implementation of a start node.

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.core.impl that return INode
 INode Connection.getFrom()
 INode RuleFlowProcess.getNode(long id)
 INode[] RuleFlowProcess.getNodes()
 INode Connection.getTo()

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.core.impl with parameters of type INode
 void RuleFlowProcess.addNode(INode node)
 void RuleFlowProcess.removeNode(INode node)

Constructors in org.drools.ruleflow.core.impl with parameters of type INode
Connection(INode from, INode to, int type)
          Creates a new connection, given a from node, a to node and a type.

Uses of INode in org.drools.ruleflow.instance

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.instance with parameters of type INode
 IRuleFlowNodeInstance IRuleFlowProcessInstance.getNodeInstance(INode node)

Uses of INode in org.drools.ruleflow.instance.impl

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.instance.impl that return INode
protected  INode RuleFlowNodeInstance.getNode()

Methods in org.drools.ruleflow.instance.impl with parameters of type INode
 IRuleFlowNodeInstance RuleFlowProcessInstance.getNodeInstance(INode node)

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