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Uses of Class org.drools.reteoo.ObjectSource (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectSource

Uses of ObjectSource in org.drools.reteoo

Subclasses of ObjectSource in org.drools.reteoo
 class AlphaNode
          AlphaNodes are nodes in the Rete network used to apply FieldConstraint<.code>s on asserted fact objects where the FieldConstraints have no dependencies on any other of the facts in the current Rule.
 class ObjectTypeNode
          ObjectTypeNodes are responsible for filtering and propagating the matching fact assertions propagated from the Rete node using ObjectType interface.
 class Rete
          The Rete-OO network.
 class RightInputAdapterNode
          When joining a subnetwork into the main network again, RightInputAdapterNode adapts the subnetwork's tuple into a fact in order right join it with the tuple being propagated in the main network.

Fields in org.drools.reteoo declared as ObjectSource
protected  ObjectSource ObjectSource.objectSource

Constructors in org.drools.reteoo with parameters of type ObjectSource
AccumulateNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint[] resultConstraints, BetaConstraints sourceBinder, BetaConstraints resultBinder, Accumulate accumulate)
AlphaNode(int id, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint constraint, ObjectSource objectSource)
          Construct an AlphaNode with a unique id using the provided FieldConstraint and the given ObjectSource.
AlphaNode(int id, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint constraint, ObjectSource objectSource, boolean hasMemory, int alphaNodeHashingThreshold)
          Construct an AlphaNode with a unique id using the provided FieldConstraint and the given ObjectSource.
CollectNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, AlphaNodeFieldConstraint[] resultConstraints, BetaConstraints sourceBinder, BetaConstraints resultsBinder, Collect collect)
ExistsNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput)
          Constructs a new Exists node with EmptyBetaConstraints.
ExistsNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, BetaConstraints joinNodeBinder)
JoinNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput)
JoinNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, BetaConstraints binder)
LeftInputAdapterNode(int id, ObjectSource source)
          Constructus a LeftInputAdapterNode with a unique id that receives FactHandle from a parent ObjectSource and adds it to a given pattern in the resulting Tuples.
NotNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput)
NotNode(int id, TupleSource leftInput, ObjectSource rightInput, BetaConstraints joinNodeBinder)

Uses of ObjectSource in org.drools.reteoo.builder

Methods in org.drools.reteoo.builder that return ObjectSource
 ObjectSource BuildContext.getObjectSource()

Methods in org.drools.reteoo.builder with parameters of type ObjectSource
 void BuildContext.setObjectSource(ObjectSource objectSource)

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