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Uses of Interface org.drools.facttemplates.Fact (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Fact

Uses of Fact in org.drools.facttemplates

Classes in org.drools.facttemplates that implement Fact
 class FactImpl

Methods in org.drools.facttemplates that return Fact
 Fact FactTemplateImpl.createFact(long id)
          Method takes a list of Slots and creates a deffact from it.
 Fact FactTemplate.createFact(long id)

Methods in org.drools.facttemplates with parameters of type Fact
protected  void FactImpl.resetId(Fact fact)
          this is used to reset the id, in the event an user tries to assert the same fact again, we reset the id to the existing one.

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