Methods in org.drools.decisiontable with parameters of type InputType |
String |
ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream,
InputStream templateStream,
InputType type,
int startRow,
int startCol)
String |
SpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream,
InputType type)
Generates DRL from the input stream containing the spreadsheet. |
String |
ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream,
InputType type,
ExternalSheetListener listener)
Generates DRL from the input stream containing the spreadsheet. |
void |
ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream,
InputType type,
List listeners)
String |
SpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream,
InputType type,
RuleSheetListener listener)
Generates DRL from the input stream containing the spreadsheet. |
String |
SpreadsheetCompiler.compile(String classPathResource,
InputType inputType)
Convenience implementation, taking rules from the classpath. |
void |
ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(String xls,
InputType type,
List listeners)
String |
ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(String xls,
String template,
InputType type,
int startRow,
int startCol)
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