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Uses of Class org.drools.decisiontable.InputType (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use InputType
org.drools.decisiontable This it a utility for using spreadsheets to manage rules. 

Uses of InputType in org.drools.decisiontable

Fields in org.drools.decisiontable declared as InputType
static InputType InputType.CSV
static InputType InputType.XLS

Methods in org.drools.decisiontable with parameters of type InputType
 String ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream, InputStream templateStream, InputType type, int startRow, int startCol)
 String SpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream, InputType type)
          Generates DRL from the input stream containing the spreadsheet.
 String ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream, InputType type, ExternalSheetListener listener)
          Generates DRL from the input stream containing the spreadsheet.
 void ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream, InputType type, List listeners)
 String SpreadsheetCompiler.compile(InputStream xlsStream, InputType type, RuleSheetListener listener)
          Generates DRL from the input stream containing the spreadsheet.
 String SpreadsheetCompiler.compile(String classPathResource, InputType inputType)
          Convenience implementation, taking rules from the classpath.
 void ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(String xls, InputType type, List listeners)
 String ExternalSpreadsheetCompiler.compile(String xls, String template, InputType type, int startRow, int startCol)

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