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org.drools.brms.client (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.brms.client

This package (and subpackages) is all UI code that is used by the GWT to implement the front end.


Class Summary
AdminFeature This feature contains the administrative functions of the BRMS.
DeploymentManagementFeature This is the package management feature.
Info Introduction page.
JBRMSEntryPoint This is the main launching/entry point for the JBRMS web console.
JBRMSFeature A 'feature' is a single panel of the JBRMS console.
JBRMSFeature.ComponentInfo Encapsulated information about a JBRMS Feature.
JBRMSFeatureConfigurator This contains the list of configured features for the JBRMS console.
JBRMSFeatureList This is the list of features that make up the rule management console.
PackageManagementFeature This is the package management feature.
RuleBases Demonstrates the various text widgets.
RulesFeature This controls the "Rules manager" top level feature.
Search Demonstrates com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Table.

Package org.drools.brms.client Description

This package (and subpackages) is all UI code that is used by the GWT to implement the front end. It uses the /server sibling package (which runs in a servlet container). The rpc subpackage provides the service definitions and DTOs that the front end uses.

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