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Uses of Class org.drools.asm.commons.Method (Drools API) - JBoss RULES API 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use Method
org.drools.asm.commons Provides some useful class and method adapters. 

Uses of Method in org.drools.asm.commons

Methods in org.drools.asm.commons that return Method
static Method Method.getMethod(String method)
          Returns a Method corresponding to the given Java method declaration.

Methods in org.drools.asm.commons with parameters of type Method
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeConstructor(Type type, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a constructor.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeInterface(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke an interface method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeStatic(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a static method.
 void GeneratorAdapter.invokeVirtual(Type owner, Method method)
          Generates the instruction to invoke a normal method.

Constructors in org.drools.asm.commons with parameters of type Method
GeneratorAdapter(int access, Method method, MethodVisitor mv)
          Creates a new GeneratorAdapter.
GeneratorAdapter(int access, Method method, String signature, Type[] exceptions, ClassVisitor cv)
          Creates a new GeneratorAdapter.

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