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org.drools - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Package org.drools

This is the engine that works off binary RuleBases, you will mostly use WorkingMemory, RuleBase and RuleBaseFactory


Interface Summary
RuleBase Active collection of Rules.
WorkingMemory A knowledge session for a RuleBase.

Class Summary
RuleBaseConfiguration RuleBaseConfiguration A class to store RuleBase related configuration.
RuleBaseFactory This is a utility to create rule bases based on the type of engine you wish to use.
SynchronizedWorkingMemory Each implemented method of the WorkingMemory interface is synchronised.

Exception Summary
CheckedDroolsException Base RuntimeExceptiondrools Logic Engine exception.
FactException Base exception indicating an error in manipulating facts.
NoSuchFactHandleException Indicates an attempt to retract, modify or retrieve a fact object that is no longer present.
NoSuchFactObjectException Indicates an attempt to retract, modify or retrieve a fact object that is no longer present.
PackageIntegrationException Indicates an error integrating a Package into a RuleBase.
RuleIntegrationException Indicates an error integrating a Rule or Package into a RuleBase.
RuntimeDroolsException The base Drools exception for all internal thrown exceptions.

Package org.drools Description

This is the engine that works off binary RuleBases, you will mostly use WorkingMemory, RuleBase and RuleBaseFactory