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PortletRenderer - JBOSS Portal 2.6 API 英文版文档

Interface PortletRenderer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DivPortletRenderer, DynaPortletRenderer, EmptyPortletRenderer

public interface PortletRenderer
extends Renderer

The portlet renderer is responsible for adding the created markup of a portlet to the page.

The portlet renderer is intended to be called by the WindowRenderer as part of the generation of the markup for a portlet window. The portlet renderer is not responsible for generating the decoration markup, like the title. The DecorationRenderer is responsible for that. It is also called by the WindowRenderer as part of the render process for one portlet window.

$LastChangedRevision: 5448 $, $LastChangedDate: 2006-10-13 15:29:17 -0400 (Fri, 13 Oct 2006) $
PortalRenderSet, WindowRenderer, DecorationRenderer

Method Summary
 void render(RenderContext renderContext, WindowContext windowState, WindowResult result)
          Render the markup of a portlet.
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.portal.theme.render.Renderer
renderEnd, renderStart

Method Detail


public void render(RenderContext renderContext,
                   WindowContext windowState,
                   WindowResult result)
            throws RenderException
Render the markup of a portlet.

Note: this is not calling the portlet container to produce the markup. The markup has already been created. The PortletRenderer only places the markup on the page, and can gnerate some containing markup around it if it chooses to do so


renderContext - the state holder to provide information about the region, it's portlets, and the render set, which allows access to the other renderer interfaces of the render set.
windowState - the portlet's navigational state (mode, window state,...)
result - the fragment result containing the portlet's markup