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org.jbpm.jpdl.el.impl (jbpm-3.1.3) - JBoss JBPM 3.1.3 API 英文版文档

Package org.jbpm.jpdl.el.impl

Class Summary
AndOperator The implementation of the and operator
ArithmeticOperator This is the superclass for all binary arithmetic operators
ArraySuffix Represents an operator that obtains a Map entry, an indexed value, a property value, or an indexed property value of an object.
BeanInfoIndexedProperty This contains the information for one indexed property in a BeanInfo - IndexedPropertyDescriptor, read method, and write method.
BeanInfoManager Manages the BeanInfo for one class - contains the BeanInfo, and also a mapping from property name to BeanInfoProperty.
BeanInfoProperty This contains the information for one property in a BeanInfo - PropertyDescriptor, read method, and write method.
BinaryOperator This is the superclass for all binary operators
BinaryOperatorExpression An expression representing a binary operator on a value
BooleanLiteral An expression representing a boolean literal value
Coercions This class contains the logic for coercing data types before operators are applied to them.
ComplexValue Represents a dynamic value, which consists of a prefix and an optional set of ValueSuffix elements.
ConditionalExpression Represents a conditional expression.
Constants This contains all of the non-public constants, including messsage strings read from the resource file.
DivideOperator The implementation of the divide operator
EmptyOperator The implementation of the empty operator
EnumeratedMap This is a Map implementation driven by a data source that only provides an enumeration of keys and a getValue(key) method.
EqualityOperator This is the superclass for all equality operators (==, !
EqualsOperator The implementation of the equals operator
Expression The abstract class from which all expression types derive.
ExpressionEvaluatorImpl This is the main class for evaluating expression Strings.
ExpressionString Represents an expression String consisting of a mixture of Strings and Expressions.
FloatingPointLiteral An expression representing a floating point literal value.
FunctionInvocation Represents a function call.
GreaterThanOperator The implementation of the greater than operator
GreaterThanOrEqualsOperator The implementation of the greater than or equals operator
IntegerDivideOperator The implementation of the integer divide operator
IntegerLiteral An expression representing an integer literal value.
LessThanOperator The implementation of the less than operator
LessThanOrEqualsOperator The implementation of the less than or equals operator
Literal An expression representing a literal value
Logger The evaluator may pass an instance of this class to operators and expressions during evaluation.
MinusOperator The implementation of the minus operator
ModulusOperator The implementation of the modulus operator
MultiplyOperator The implementation of the multiply operator
NamedValue Represents a name that can be used as the first element of a value.
NotEqualsOperator The implementation of the not equals operator
NotOperator The implementation of the not operator
NullLiteral An expression representing a null literal value
OrOperator The implementation of the or operator
PlusOperator The implementation of the plus operator
PropertySuffix Represents an operator that obtains the value of another value's property.
RelationalOperator This is the superclass for all relational operators (except == or !
StringLiteral An expression representing a String literal value.
UnaryMinusOperator The implementation of the unary minus operator
UnaryOperator This is the superclass for all unary operators
UnaryOperatorExpression An expression representing one or more unary operators on a value
ValueSuffix Represents an element that can appear as a suffix in a complex value, such as a property or index operator, or a method call (should they ever need to be supported).

Version : jbpm-3.1.3