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org.jbpm.context.exe (jbpm-3.0.4) - JBoss JBPM 3.0.4 API 英文版文档

Package org.jbpm.context.exe

contains ContextInstance, the central interface class for working with process variables.


Interface Summary
Converter converts plain objects to objects that are persistable via a subclass of VariableInstance.

Class Summary
ContextInstance maintains all the key-variable pairs for a process instance.
JbpmType specifies for one java-type how jbpm is able to persist objects of that type in the database.
TokenVariableMap is a jbpm-internal map of variables related to one Token.
VariableInstance is a jbpm-internal class that serves as a base class for classes that store variable values in the database.

Package org.jbpm.context.exe Description

contains ContextInstance, the central interface class for working with process variables. ContextInstance is the class to be used for working with variables. ContextInstance is to be used both from client code outside the scope of a process as well as from inside delegation classes that are executed inside the process.

Version : jbpm-3.0.4