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org.jboss.webservice (JBossWS API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 webservice API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.webservice

Interface Summary
AxisServiceMBean MBean interface.
PortComponentMBean MBean interface.
ServiceClientDeployerMBean MBean interface.
ServiceDeployerEJBMBean MBean interface.
ServiceDeployerJSEMBean MBean interface.
ServiceDeployerMBean MBean interface.

Class Summary
AxisService A service that keeps track of the Axis server and client engine and can deploy/undeploy services to/from Axis using the Axis wsdd format.
EngineConfigurationFinder Discover the Axis EngineConfiguration.
PortComponent This object registered with MBeanServer

The key is [deploymentName]#[port-component-name]

PortComponentInfo This object registered with the AxisService.
ServiceClientDeployer Binds a JAXRPC Service object in the client's ENC for every service-ref element in the deployment descriptor.
ServiceDeployer A deployer service that manages WS4EE compliant Web-Services within JMX by translating/delegating to an axis deployer.
ServiceDeployerEJB A deployer service that manages WS4EE compliant Web-Services for EJB Endpoints
ServiceDeployerJSE A deployer service that manages WS4EE compliant Web-Services for WAR
WSDLFilePublisher A helper class that publishes the wsdl files and thei imports to the server/data/wsdl directory.

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