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org.jboss.web.loadbalancer.scheduler (Various API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 varia API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.web.loadbalancer.scheduler

Interface Summary
AbstractSchedulerMBean MBean interface.
HostMBean MBean interface.
MinAvgSchedulerServiceMBean MBean interface.
RoundRobinSchedulerServiceMBean MBean interface.
SchedulerMBean Interface for schedulers.
WeightedLeastConnectionSchedulerServiceMBean MBean interface.

Class Summary
AbstractScheduler Base-class for Scheduler
Host A class that holds information about a target node.
HostStateChangedNotification A JMX-Notification that informs listeners about the fact that the state of a node changed.
HostStatistics This class holds statistics for a node.
MinAvgSchedulerService A scheduler that chooses the node with the lowest avg.
RoundRobinSchedulerService A round robin scheduler.
WeightedLeastConnectionSchedulerService A scheduler that chooses the node with the lowest current connection count.

Exception Summary
NoHostAvailableException This exception is thrown when no host is available to handle a request.

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