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org.jnp.interfaces (JBoss Naming API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 naming API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jnp.interfaces

Interface Summary

Class Summary
MarshalledValuePair An encapsulation of a JNDI binding as both the raw object and its MarshalledObject form.
NamingContext This class provides the jnp provider Context implementation.
NamingContextFactory The jnp naming provider InitialContextFactory implementation.
NamingEnumerationImpl A NamingEnumeration for the Context list/listBindings methods.
NamingParser The NamingParser for the jnp naming implementation
TimedSocketFactory A concrete implementation of the SocketFactory that supports a configurable timeout for the initial socket connection as well as the SO_TIMEOUT used to determine how long a read will block waiting for data.

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