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HTTPServerILService (JBoss Messaging API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 messaging API Documentation 英文版文档

Class HTTPServerILService

  extended byorg.jboss.mx.util.JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport
      extended byorg.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport
          extended byorg.jboss.mq.il.ServerILJMXService
              extended byorg.jboss.mq.il.http.HTTPServerILService
All Implemented Interfaces:
HTTPServerILServiceMBean, javax.management.MBeanRegistration, javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster, javax.management.NotificationEmitter, ServerILJMXServiceMBean, org.jboss.system.Service, org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean

public class HTTPServerILService
extends ServerILJMXService
implements HTTPServerILServiceMBean

Implements the ServerILJMXService which is used to manage the HTTP/S IL.

$Revision: 1.4 $
Nathan Phelps (nathan@jboss.org)

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jboss.mq.il.ServerILJMXService
clientID, connectionFactoryJNDIRef, pingPeriod, xaConnectionFactoryJNDIRef
Fields inherited from class org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport
log, server, SERVICE_CONTROLLER_SIG, serviceName
Fields inherited from interface org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Properties getClientConnectionProperties()
 String getName()
 int getRestInterval()
          Get the HTTPIL default RestInterval
 ServerIL getServerIL()
 int getTimeOut()
          Get the HTTPIL default timeout
 String getURL()
          Get the HTTPIL URL.
 String getURLHostName()
          Get the HTTPIL URLHostName.
 int getURLPort()
          Get the HTTPIL URLPort.
 String getURLPrefix()
          Get the HTTPIL URLPrefix.
 String getURLSuffix()
          Get the HTTPIL URLSuffix.
 boolean getUseHostName()
          Get the HTTPIL UseHostName flag.
 void setRestInterval(int restInterval)
          Set the HTTPIL default RestInterval--the number of seconds the ClientILService will sleep after each client request.
 void setTimeOut(int timeout)
          Set the HTTPIL default timeout--the number of seconds that the ClientILService HTTP requests will wait for messages.
 void setURL(String url)
          Set the HTTPIL URL.
 void setURLHostName(String hostname)
          Set the HTTPIL URLName.
 void setURLPort(int port)
          Set the HTTPIL URLPort.
 void setURLPrefix(String prefix)
          Set the HTTPIL URLPrefix.
 void setURLSuffix(String suffix)
          Set the HTTPIL URLSuffix.
 void setUseHostName(boolean value)
          Set the HTTPIL UseHostName flag.
 void startService()
 void stopService()
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.mq.il.ServerILJMXService
bindJNDIReferences, getClientID, getConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, getJBossMQService, getPingPeriod, getXAConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, lookupJMSServer, rebind, setClientID, setConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, setInvoker, setPingPeriod, setXAConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, unbindJNDIReferences
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport
create, createService, destroy, destroyService, getLog, getNextNotificationSequenceNumber, getObjectName, getServer, getServiceName, getState, getStateString, jbossInternalCreate, jbossInternalDescription, jbossInternalDestroy, jbossInternalLifecycle, jbossInternalStart, jbossInternalStop, postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister, start, stop
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.mx.util.JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, handleNotification, removeNotificationListener, removeNotificationListener, sendNotification
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.mq.il.ServerILJMXServiceMBean
getClientID, getConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, getJBossMQService, getPingPeriod, getXAConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, setClientID, setConnectionFactoryJNDIRef, setInvoker, setPingPeriod, setXAConnectionFactoryJNDIRef
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean
getState, getStateString, jbossInternalLifecycle
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.system.Service
create, destroy, start, stop

Constructor Detail


public HTTPServerILService()
Method Detail


public String getName()
Specified by:
getName in interface org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean


public ServerIL getServerIL()
Specified by:
getServerIL in class ServerILJMXService
The ServerIL value @returns ServerIL An instance of the Server IL, used for


public Properties getClientConnectionProperties()
getClientConnectionProperties in class ServerILJMXService
The ClientConnectionProperties value @returns Properties contains all the parameters needed to create a connection from the client to this IL


public void startService()
                  throws Exception
startService in class ServerILJMXService


public void stopService()
stopService in class ServerILJMXService


public void setTimeOut(int timeout)
Set the HTTPIL default timeout--the number of seconds that the ClientILService HTTP requests will wait for messages. This can be overridden on the client by setting the system property org.jboss.mq.il.http.timeout to an int value of the number of seconds. NOTE: This value should be in seconds, not millis.

Specified by:
setTimeOut in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public int getTimeOut()
Get the HTTPIL default timeout

Specified by:
getTimeOut in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setRestInterval(int restInterval)
Set the HTTPIL default RestInterval--the number of seconds the ClientILService will sleep after each client request. The default is 0, but you can set this value in conjunction with the TimeOut value to implement a pure timed based polling mechanism. For example, you could simply do a short lived request by setting the TimeOut value to 0 and then setting the RestInterval to 60. This would cause the ClientILService to send a single non-blocking request to the server, return any messages if available, then sleep for 60 seconds, before issuing another request. Like the TimeOut value, this can be explicitly overriden on a given client by specifying the org.jboss.mq.il.http.restinterval with the number of seconds you wish to wait between requests.

Specified by:
setRestInterval in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public int getRestInterval()
Get the HTTPIL default RestInterval

Specified by:
getRestInterval in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setURL(String url)
Set the HTTPIL URL. This value takes precedence over any individual values set (i.e. the URLPrefix, URLSuffix, URLPort, etc.) It my be a actual URL or a propertyname which will be used on the client side to resolve the proper URL by calling System.getProperty(propertyname).

Specified by:
setURL in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public String getURL()
Get the HTTPIL URL. This value takes precedence over any individual values set (i.e. the URLPrefix, URLSuffix, URLPort, etc.) It my be a actual URL or a propertyname which will be used on the client side to resolve the proper URL by calling System.getProperty(propertyname).

Specified by:
getURL in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setURLPrefix(String prefix)
Set the HTTPIL URLPrefix. I.E. "http://" or "https://" The default is "http://"

Specified by:
setURLPrefix in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public String getURLPrefix()
Get the HTTPIL URLPrefix. I.E. "http://" or "https://" The default is "http://"

Specified by:
getURLPrefix in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setURLHostName(String hostname)
Set the HTTPIL URLName.

Specified by:
setURLHostName in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public String getURLHostName()
Get the HTTPIL URLHostName.

Specified by:
getURLHostName in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setURLPort(int port)
Set the HTTPIL URLPort. The default is 8080

Specified by:
setURLPort in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public int getURLPort()
Get the HTTPIL URLPort. The default is 8080

Specified by:
getURLPort in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setURLSuffix(String suffix)
Set the HTTPIL URLSuffix. I.E. The section of the URL after the port The default is "jbossmq-httpil/HTTPServerILServlet"

Specified by:
setURLSuffix in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public String getURLSuffix()
Get the HTTPIL URLSuffix. I.E. The section of the URL after the port The default is "jbossmq-httpil/HTTPServerILServlet"

Specified by:
getURLSuffix in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public void setUseHostName(boolean value)
Set the HTTPIL UseHostName flag. if true the default URL will include a hostname, if false it will include an IP adddress. The default is false

Specified by:
setUseHostName in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean


public boolean getUseHostName()
Get the HTTPIL UseHostName flag. if true the default URL will include a hostname, if false it will include an IP adddress. The default is false

Specified by:
getUseHostName in interface HTTPServerILServiceMBean

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