Interface Summary | |
Descriptor | This interface defines behavioral and runtime metadata for ModelMBeans. |
DescriptorAccess | This interface is used to gain access to descriptors of a JMX component. |
DynamicMBean | The DynamicMBean interface is implemented by resources that expose their definition at runtime. |
MBeanRegistration | This interface is implemented by an MBean that wants to perform operations pre and post registration and deregistration. |
MBeanServer | The interface used to access the MBean server instances. |
MBeanServerConnection | An interface used to talk to an MBeanServer that is either remote or local. |
MBeanServerDelegateMBean | Management interface of the MBean server delegate MBean. |
NotificationBroadcaster | This interface must be implemented by all MBeans that emit notifications. |
NotificationEmitter | This interface must be implemented by all MBeans that emit notifications. |
NotificationFilter | This interface is implemented by any class acting as a notification filter. |
NotificationListener | Must be implemented by objects receiving JMX notifications. |
PersistentMBean | This interface should be implemented by all MBeans that wish their state to be persisted. |
QueryExp | A query expression. |
ValueExp | A value expression. |
Class Summary | |
Attribute | A representation of an MBean attribute. |
AttributeChangeNotification | This is the mandated object for sending notifications of attribute changes. |
AttributeChangeNotificationFilter | Notification filter support for attribute change notifications. |
AttributeList | A list of a MBean attributes. |
AttributeValueExp | A String that is an arguement to a query. |
DefaultLoaderRepository | Deprecated. Use MBeanServer.getClassLoaderRepository()} instead. |
MBeanAttributeInfo | Represents a management attribute in an MBeans' management interface. |
MBeanConstructorInfo | Describes a constructor exposed by an MBean This implementation protects its immutability by taking shallow clones of all arrays supplied in constructors and by returning shallow array clones in getXXX() methods. |
MBeanFeatureInfo | General information for MBean descriptor objects. |
MBeanInfo | Describes an MBeans' management interface. |
MBeanNotificationInfo | Describes a notification emitted by an MBean This implementation protects its immutability by taking shallow clones of all arrays supplied in constructors and by returning shallow array clones in getXXX() methods. |
MBeanOperationInfo | Describes an operation exposed by an MBean This implementation protects its immutability by taking shallow clones of all arrays supplied in constructors and by returning shallow array clones in getXXX() methods. |
MBeanParameterInfo | Describes an argument of an operation exposed by an MBean |
MBeanPermission | Permission controlling access to MBeanServer operations. |
MBeanServerBuilder | The default builder for the MBeanServerFactory. |
MBeanServerDelegate | Mandatory MBean server delegate MBean implementation. |
MBeanServerFactory | MBeanServerFactory is used to create instances of MBean servers. |
MBeanServerInvocationHandler | An invocation handler to proxy requests through the MBeanServer |
MBeanServerNotification | A notification sent by the MBeanServer delegate when an MBean is registered or unregisterd. |
MBeanServerPermission | Controls access to actions performed on MBeanServers. |
MBeanTrustPermission | This permission represents "trust" in a signer or codebase. |
Notification | A Notification. |
NotificationBroadcasterSupport | A helper class for notification broadcasters/emitters |
NotificationFilterSupport | An implementation of the NotificationFilter interface. |
ObjectInstance | Information about an object registered in the MBeanServer. |
ObjectName | Object name represents the MBean reference. |
Query | This class is a factory for constructing queries. |
QueryEval | Support for evaluting a query in the context of an MBeanServer. |
StandardMBean | A helper class to allow standard mbeans greater control over their management interface. |
StringValueExp | A String that is an arguement to a query. |
Exception Summary | |
AttributeNotFoundException | Thrown when the attribute does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
BadAttributeValueExpException | Thrown when an invalid attribute value is passed to a query construction method. |
BadBinaryOpValueExpException | Thrown when an invalid expression is passed to a query construction method. |
BadStringOperationException | Thrown when an invalid string operation is passed to a query construction method. |
InstanceAlreadyExistsException | Thrown when an MBean is already registered with the specified ObjectName. |
InstanceNotFoundException | Thrown when an MBean is not registered with the specified ObjectName. |
IntrospectionException | Thrown when an error occurs introspecting an MBean. |
InvalidApplicationException | Thrown when an attempt is made to apply either of the following. |
InvalidAttributeValueException | Thrown when trying to change an attribute to a incorrect value or type. |
JMException | Exceptions thrown by JMX implementations. |
JMRuntimeException | Exceptions thrown by JMX implementations. |
ListenerNotFoundException | Thrown when a specified Listener does not exist. |
MalformedObjectNameException | Thrown when a string used to construct an ObjectName is not valid. |
MBeanException | A wrapper for exceptions thrown by MBeans. |
MBeanRegistrationException | A wrapper for exceptions thrown by MBeans that implement MBeanRegistration. |
NotCompliantMBeanException | Thrown when trying to register an MBean that does not conform the JMX specification. |
OperationsException | Thrown when an error occurs performing an operation on an MBean. |
ReflectionException | Thrown by the MBeanServer when an exception occurs using the java.lang.reflect package to invoke methods on MBeans. |
RuntimeErrorException | Thrown when a java.lang.error occurs. |
RuntimeMBeanException | Wraps runtime exceptions thrown by MBeans. |
RuntimeOperationsException | Wraps runtime exceptions thrown when performing operations on MBeans. |
ServiceNotFoundException | Thrown when a service is not supported. |