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ModelMBeanConstructorInfo (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Class ModelMBeanConstructorInfo

  extended byjavax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo
      extended byjavax.management.MBeanConstructorInfo
          extended byjavax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanConstructorInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, DescriptorAccess, Serializable

public class ModelMBeanConstructorInfo
extends MBeanConstructorInfo
implements DescriptorAccess, Cloneable

Represents constructor.

$Revision: 1.12 $

20020715 Adrian Brock:

  • Serialization
Juha Lindfors., Adrian Brock., Thomas Diesler.
See Also:
ModelMBeanInfo, ModelMBeanInfoSupport, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo
description, name
Constructor Summary
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String description, Constructor constructorMethod)
          Creates a new constructor info with a default descriptor.
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String description, Constructor constructorMethod, Descriptor descriptor)
          Creates a new constructor info with a given descriptor.
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature)
          Creates a new constructor info with default descriptor.
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String name, String description, MBeanParameterInfo[] signature, Descriptor descriptor)
          Creates a new constructor info with a given descriptor.
Method Summary
 Object clone()
 Descriptor getDescriptor()
          Returns a copy of the descriptor associated with this constructor.
 void setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor)
          Replaces the descriptor associated with this constructor.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class javax.management.MBeanConstructorInfo
equals, getSignature, hashCode
Methods inherited from class javax.management.MBeanFeatureInfo
getDescription, getName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String description,
                                 Constructor constructorMethod)
Creates a new constructor info with a default descriptor.

description - human readable description string
constructorMethod - a Constructor instance representing the MBean constructor


public ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String description,
                                 Constructor constructorMethod,
                                 Descriptor descriptor)
Creates a new constructor info with a given descriptor. If a null or invalid descriptor is passed as a parameter, a default descriptor will be created for the constructor.

description - human readable description string
constructorMethod - a Constructor instance representing the MBean constructor
descriptor - a descriptor to associate with this constructor


public ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String name,
                                 String description,
                                 MBeanParameterInfo[] signature)
Creates a new constructor info with default descriptor.

name - name for the constructor
description - human readable description string
signature - constructor signature


public ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(String name,
                                 String description,
                                 MBeanParameterInfo[] signature,
                                 Descriptor descriptor)
Creates a new constructor info with a given descriptor. If a null or invalid descriptor is passed as a parameter, a default descriptor will be created for the constructor.

name - name for the constructor
description - human readable description string
signature - constructor signature
descriptor - a descriptor to associate with this constructor
Method Detail


public Descriptor getDescriptor()
Returns a copy of the descriptor associated with this constructor.

Specified by:
getDescriptor in interface DescriptorAccess
a copy of this constructor's descriptor instance


public void setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor)
Replaces the descriptor associated with this constructor. If the inDescriptor argument is null then the existing descriptor is replaced with a default descriptor.

Specified by:
setDescriptor in interface DescriptorAccess
inDescriptor - descriptor used for replacing the existing constructor descriptor
IllegalArgumentException - if the new descriptor is not valid


public Object clone()
clone in class MBeanConstructorInfo


public String toString()
toString in class MBeanConstructorInfo
a human readable string

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