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Uses of Class org.apache.axis.MessageContext (JAXRPC API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 jaxrpc API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageContext

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis

Methods in org.apache.axis that return MessageContext
static MessageContext MessageContext.getCurrentContext()
          Get the active message context.
 MessageContext Message.getMessageContext()
          Get the context associated with this message.
static MessageContext AxisEngine.getCurrentMessageContext()
          Get the active message context.

Methods in org.apache.axis with parameters of type MessageContext
 void SimpleChain.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Iterate over the chain invoking each handler.
 void SimpleChain.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Iterate over the chain letting each handler have a crack at contributing to a WSDL description.
 void SimpleChain.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
          Notify the handlers in this chain because some handler later on has faulted - in reverse order.
 void Message.setMessageContext(MessageContext msgContext)
          Set the context associated with this message.
 void HandlerIterationStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)
 void Handler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Invoke is called to do the actual work of the Handler object.
 void Handler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
          Called when a subsequent handler throws a fault.
 void Handler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Obtain WSDL information.
 void FaultableHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Invokes the specified handler.
 void FaultableHandler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
          Some handler later on has faulted so we need to process the fault.
static void AxisEngine.setCurrentMessageContext(MessageContext mc)
          Set the active message context.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.attachments

Methods in org.apache.axis.attachments with parameters of type MessageContext
static boolean AttachmentSupport.isAttachmentSupportEnabled(MessageContext msgCtx)
          Check if we have attachments enabled.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.client

Fields in org.apache.axis.client declared as MessageContext
protected  MessageContext Call.msgContext

Methods in org.apache.axis.client that return MessageContext
 MessageContext Call.getMessageContext()
          Obtain a reference to our MessageContext.

Methods in org.apache.axis.client with parameters of type MessageContext
 void Transport.setupMessageContext(MessageContext context, Call message, AxisEngine engine)
 void Transport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext context, Call message, AxisEngine engine)
 void Transport.processReturnedMessageContext(MessageContext context)
          Allow the transport to grab any transport-specific stuff it might want from a returned MessageContext
 void AxisClient.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Main routine of the AXIS engine.
protected  void AxisClient.invokeJAXRPCHandlers(MessageContext context)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.encoding

Fields in org.apache.axis.encoding declared as MessageContext
protected  MessageContext DeserializationContextImpl.msgContext

Methods in org.apache.axis.encoding that return MessageContext
 MessageContext SerializationContextImpl.getMessageContext()
          Get the MessageContext we're operating with
 MessageContext SerializationContext.getMessageContext()
          Get the MessageContext we're operating with
 MessageContext DeserializationContextImpl.getMessageContext()
          Get MessageContext
 MessageContext DeserializationContext.getMessageContext()
          Get MessageContext

Constructors in org.apache.axis.encoding with parameters of type MessageContext
SerializationContextImpl(Writer writer, MessageContext msgContext)
          Construct SerializationContextImpl with associated writer and MessageContext
DeserializationContextImpl(MessageContext ctx, SOAPHandler initialHandler)
          Construct Deserializer using MessageContext and EnvelopeBuilder handler
DeserializationContextImpl(InputSource is, MessageContext ctx, String messageType)
          Construct Deserializer
DeserializationContextImpl(InputSource is, MessageContext ctx, String messageType, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl env)
          Construct Deserializer

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.handlers

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers with parameters of type MessageContext
 void SimpleSessionHandler.invoke(MessageContext context)
          Process a MessageContext.
 void SimpleSessionHandler.doClient(MessageContext context)
          Client side of processing.
 void SimpleSessionHandler.doServer(MessageContext context)
          Server side of processing.
 void SimpleAuthorizationHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authorize the user and targetService from the msgContext
 void SimpleAuthorizationHandler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
          Nothing to undo
 void SimpleAuthenticationHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authenticate the user and password from the msgContext
 void SOAPMonitorHandler.invoke(MessageContext messageContext)
          Process and SOAP message
 void MD5AttachHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void LogMessage.invoke(MessageContext context)
 void LogHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void LogHandler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
 void JAXRPCHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void JAXRPCHandler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
 void ErrorHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void EchoHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void EchoHandler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
 void DebugHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void DebugHandler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
 void BasicHandler.onFault(MessageContext msgContext)
abstract  void BasicHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Must implement this in subclasses.
 void BasicHandler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.handlers.http

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers.http with parameters of type MessageContext
 void URLMapper.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void URLMapper.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
 void HTTPAuthHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void HTTPActionHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.handlers.soap

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers.soap with parameters of type MessageContext
 ServiceDesc SOAPService.getInitializedServiceDesc(MessageContext msgContext)
          Returns a service description with the implementation class filled in.
 void SOAPService.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Generate WSDL.
 void SOAPService.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.providers

Methods in org.apache.axis.providers with parameters of type MessageContext
abstract  void BasicProvider.initServiceDesc(SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          This method returns a ServiceDesc that contains the correct implimentation class.
 void BasicProvider.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Generate the WSDL for this service.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.providers.java

Methods in org.apache.axis.providers.java that return MessageContext
 MessageContext RPCInvocation.getMessageContext()

Methods in org.apache.axis.providers.java with parameters of type MessageContext
 void RPCProvider.processMessage(MessageContext msgContext, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl reqEnv, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl resEnv, Object obj)
          Process the current message.
 RPCInvocation RPCProvider.createRPCInvocation(MessageContext msgContext, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl reqEnv, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl resEnv, Object obj)
protected  Object RPCProvider.invokeMethod(MessageContext msgContext, Method method, Object obj, Object[] argValues)
          This method encapsulates the method invocation.
protected  void RPCProvider.checkMethodName(MessageContext msgContext, String allowedMethods, String methodName)
          Throw an AxisFault if the requested method is not allowed.
 void MsgProvider.processMessage(MessageContext msgContext, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl reqEnv, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl resEnv, Object obj)
          Process the message.
 Object JavaProvider.getServiceObject(MessageContext msgContext, Handler service, String clsName, javax.xml.rpc.holders.IntHolder scopeHolder)
          Get the service object whose method actually provides the service.
abstract  void JavaProvider.processMessage(MessageContext msgContext, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl reqEnv, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl resEnv, Object obj)
          Process the current message.
 void JavaProvider.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Invoke the message by obtaining various common fields, looking up the service object (via getServiceObject), and actually processing the message (via processMessage).
 void JavaProvider.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Generate the WSDL for this service.
protected  Object JavaProvider.makeNewServiceObject(MessageContext msgContext, String clsName)
          Default java service object comes from simply instantiating the class wrapped in jc
protected  Class JavaProvider.getServiceClass(String clsName, SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          Returns the Class info about the service class.
 void JavaProvider.initServiceDesc(SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          Fill in a service description with the correct impl class and typemapping set.
protected  Object EJBProvider.makeNewServiceObject(MessageContext msgContext, String clsName)
          Return a object which implements the service.
protected  Class EJBProvider.getServiceClass(String beanJndiName, SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          Get the class description for the EJB Remote or Local Interface, which is what we are interested in exposing to the world (i.e.

Constructors in org.apache.axis.providers.java with parameters of type MessageContext
RPCInvocation(RPCProvider rpcProvider, MessageContext messageContext, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl reqEnv, SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl resEnv, Object targetObject)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.security

Methods in org.apache.axis.security with parameters of type MessageContext
 AuthenticatedUser SecurityProvider.authenticate(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authenticate a user from a username/password pair.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.security.servlet

Methods in org.apache.axis.security.servlet with parameters of type MessageContext
 AuthenticatedUser ServletSecurityProvider.authenticate(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authenticate a user from a username/password pair.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.security.simple

Methods in org.apache.axis.security.simple with parameters of type MessageContext
 AuthenticatedUser SimpleSecurityProvider.authenticate(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authenticate a user from a username/password pair.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.server

Methods in org.apache.axis.server with parameters of type MessageContext
 void AxisServer.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Main routine of the AXIS server.
 void AxisServer.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.strategies

Methods in org.apache.axis.strategies with parameters of type MessageContext
 void WSDLGenStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)
 void InvocationStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.transport.http

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.http that return MessageContext
protected  MessageContext AxisServlet.createMessageContext(AxisEngine engine, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res)
          Place the Request message in the MessagContext object - notice that we just leave it as a 'ServletRequest' object and let the Message processing routine convert it - we don't do it since we don't know how it's going to be used - perhaps it might not even need to be parsed.

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.http with parameters of type MessageContext
 void HTTPTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext mc, Call call, AxisEngine engine)
          Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context.
 void HTTPTransport.processReturnedMessageContext(MessageContext context)
 void HTTPSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          invoke creates a socket connection, sends the request SOAP message and then reads the response SOAP message back from the SOAP server
 void HTTPSender.handleCookie(String cookieName, String setCookieName, Hashtable headers, MessageContext msgContext)
          little helper function for cookies
protected  void AxisServlet.processMethodRequest(MessageContext msgContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer)
          scan through the request for parameters, invoking the endpoint if we get a method param.
protected  void AxisServlet.processWsdlRequest(MessageContext msgContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer)
          handle a ?wsdl request
protected  void AxisServlet.invokeEndpointFromGet(MessageContext msgContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer, String method, String args)
          invoke an endpoint from a get request by building an XML request and handing it down.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.transport.java

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.java with parameters of type MessageContext
 void JavaTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext mc, Call call, AxisEngine engine)
          Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context.
 void JavaSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.transport.jms

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.jms with parameters of type MessageContext
 void JMSTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext context, Call message, AxisEngine engine)
          Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context.
 void JMSSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          invoke() creates an endpoint, sends the request SOAP message, and then either reads the response SOAP message or simply returns.

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.transport.local

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.local with parameters of type MessageContext
 void LocalTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext mc, Call call, AxisEngine engine)
          Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context.
 void LocalSender.invoke(MessageContext clientContext)
 void LocalResponder.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of MessageContext in org.apache.axis.utils

Methods in org.apache.axis.utils with parameters of type MessageContext
protected static Document Admin.processWSDD(MessageContext msgContext, AxisEngine engine, Element root)
protected  void Admin.preProcessWSDD(MessageContext msgContext, AxisEngine engine, Element root)
 Document Admin.process(MessageContext msgContext, Element root)
          The meat of the Admin service.

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