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Uses of Class org.apache.axis.AxisFault (JAXRPC API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 jaxrpc API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use AxisFault

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis

Subclasses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis
 class NoEndPointException

Methods in org.apache.axis that return AxisFault
static AxisFault AxisFault.makeFault(Exception e)
          Make an AxisFault based on a passed Exception.

Methods in org.apache.axis that throw AxisFault
 void SimpleChain.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Iterate over the chain invoking each handler.
 void SimpleChain.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Iterate over the chain letting each handler have a crack at contributing to a WSDL description.
 byte[] MessagePart.getAsBytes()
          Get the contents of this Part (not the headers!), as a byte array.
 String MessagePart.getAsString()
          Get the contents of this Part (not the headers!), as a String.
 SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl MessagePart.getAsSOAPEnvelope()
          Get the contents of this Part (not the MIME headers!), as a SOAPEnvelope.
 OperationDesc[] MessageContext.getPossibleOperationsByQName(javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
          getPossibleOperationsByQName Returns a list of operation descriptors that could may possibly match a body containing an element of the given QName.
 OperationDesc MessageContext.getOperationByQName(javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
          get the first possible operation that could match a body containing an element of the given QName.
 void MessageContext.setTargetService(String tServ)
          Set the target service for this message.
 void MessageContext.setService(SOAPService sh)
 String Message.getSOAPPartAsString()
          Get a string representation of this message's SOAPPart.
 byte[] Message.getSOAPPartAsBytes()
          Get a byte array representation of this message's SOAPPart.
 SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl Message.getSOAPEnvelope()
          Get this message's SOAPPart as a SOAPEnvelope.
 String Message.getContentType(SOAPConstants sc)
          Get the content type of the attachments.
 long Message.getContentLength()
          Get the content length, including both soap and any attachments.
 void HandlerIterationStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)
 void Handler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Invoke is called to do the actual work of the Handler object.
 void Handler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Obtain WSDL information.
 void FaultableHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Invokes the specified handler.
 Handler AxisEngine.getHandler(String name)
 SOAPService AxisEngine.getService(String name)
 Handler AxisEngine.getTransport(String name)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.attachments

Methods in org.apache.axis.attachments that throw AxisFault
 Part MultiPartRelatedInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(String[] id)
          Method getAttachmentByReference
protected  void MultiPartRelatedInputStream.readAll()
          Method readAll
 Collection MultiPartRelatedInputStream.getAttachments()
          Method getAttachments
protected  Part MultiPartRelatedInputStream.readTillFound(String[] id)
          This will read streams in till the one that is needed is found.
abstract  Part MultiPartInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(String[] id)
abstract  Collection MultiPartInputStream.getAttachments()
 Part MultiPartDimeInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(String[] id)
protected  void MultiPartDimeInputStream.readAll()
 Collection MultiPartDimeInputStream.getAttachments()
static javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart MimeUtils.createMP(String env, Collection parts)
          This routine will create a multipart object from the parts and the SOAP content.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.removeAttachmentPart(String reference)
          This method uses getAttacmentByReference() to look for attachment.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
          Adds an existing attachment to this list.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.createAttachmentPart(Object datahandler)
 void AttachmentsImpl.setAttachmentParts(Collection parts)
          Add the collection of parts.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.getAttachmentByReference(String reference)
          This method should look at a refernce and determine if it is a CID: or url to look for attachment.
 Collection AttachmentsImpl.getAttachments()
          This method will return all attachments as a collection.
 long AttachmentsImpl.getContentLength()
          Get the content length of the stream.
protected  DimeMultiPart AttachmentsImpl.createDimeMessage()
          Creates the DIME message
 void AttachmentsImpl.writeContentToStream(OutputStream os)
          Write the content to the stream.
 String AttachmentsImpl.getContentType()
          Gets the content type for the whole stream.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.createAttachmentPart()
          Create a new attachment Part in this Message.
 Part Attachments.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
          Adds an existing attachment to this list.
 Part Attachments.removeAttachmentPart(String reference)
          This method uses getAttacmentByReference() to look for attachment.
 Part Attachments.getAttachmentByReference(String reference)
          This method should look at a refernce and determine if it is a CID: or url * to look for attachment.
 Collection Attachments.getAttachments()
          This method will return all attachments as a collection.
 Part Attachments.createAttachmentPart(Object part)
          Create a new attachment Part in this Message.
 Part Attachments.createAttachmentPart()
          Create a new attachment Part in this Message.
 void Attachments.setAttachmentParts(Collection parts)
          Will the attachments of this message to that of the colleciton.
 long Attachments.getContentLength()
          Get the content length of the stream.
 void Attachments.writeContentToStream(OutputStream os)
          Write the content to the stream.
 String Attachments.getContentType()
          Write the content to the stream.
static javax.activation.DataHandler AttachmentUtils.getActivationDataHandler(Part part)
          Obtain the DataHandler from the part.

Constructors in org.apache.axis.attachments that throw AxisFault
MultiPartRelatedInputStream(String contentType, InputStream stream)
          Multipart stream.
AttachmentsImpl(Object intialContents, String contentType, String contentLocation)
          Construct one of these on a parent Message.

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.client

Methods in org.apache.axis.client that throw AxisFault
 void Transport.setupMessageContext(MessageContext context, Call message, AxisEngine engine)
 void Transport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext context, Call message, AxisEngine engine)
protected  void Stub.setRequestHeaders(Call call)
protected  void Stub.setAttachments(Call call)
protected  void Stub.getResponseHeaders(Call call)
          Deprecated. This method has been changed to a no-op but remains in the code to keep compatibility with pre-1.1 generated stubs.
 Object Call.invoke(String namespace, String method, Object[] args)
          Invoke an RPC service with a method name and arguments.
 Object Call.invoke(String method, Object[] args)
          Convenience method to invoke a method with a default (empty) namespace.
 Object Call.invoke(RPCElement body)
          Invoke an RPC service with a pre-constructed RPCElement.
 void Call.invoke()
          Invoke this Call with its established MessageContext (perhaps because you called this.setRequestMessage())

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

 void AxisClient.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Main routine of the AXIS engine.

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.handlers

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers that throw AxisFault
 void SimpleSessionHandler.invoke(MessageContext context)
          Process a MessageContext.
 void SimpleSessionHandler.doClient(MessageContext context)
          Client side of processing.
 void SimpleSessionHandler.doServer(MessageContext context)
          Server side of processing.
 void SimpleAuthorizationHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authorize the user and targetService from the msgContext
 void SimpleAuthenticationHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Authenticate the user and password from the msgContext
 void SOAPMonitorHandler.invoke(MessageContext messageContext)
          Process and SOAP message
 void MD5AttachHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void LogHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void JAXRPCHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void ErrorHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void EchoHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void EchoHandler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
 void DebugHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
abstract  void BasicHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Must implement this in subclasses.
 void BasicHandler.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.handlers.http

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers.http that throw AxisFault
 void URLMapper.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void URLMapper.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
 void HTTPAuthHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
 void HTTPActionHandler.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.handlers.soap

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers.soap that throw AxisFault
 ServiceDesc SOAPService.getInitializedServiceDesc(MessageContext msgContext)
          Returns a service description with the implementation class filled in.
 void SOAPService.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Generate WSDL.
 void SOAPService.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.message

Fields in org.apache.axis.message declared as AxisFault
protected  AxisFault SOAPFaultImpl.fault

Methods in org.apache.axis.message that return AxisFault
 AxisFault SOAPFaultImpl.getFault()

Methods in org.apache.axis.message with parameters of type AxisFault
 void SOAPFaultImpl.setFault(AxisFault fault)

Methods in org.apache.axis.message that throw AxisFault
 SOAPElementAxisImpl SOAPHandler.makeNewElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
 Vector SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getBodyElements()
          Get all the BodyElement's in the soap body
 SOAPBodyElementAxisImpl SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getFirstBody()
          Get the first BodyElement in the SOAP Body
 Vector SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeaders()
          Get Headers
 SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeaderByName(String namespace, String localPart)
          Get a header by name (always respecting the currently in-scope actors list)
 SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeaderByName(String namespace, String localPart, boolean accessAllHeaders)
          Get a header by name, filtering for headers targeted at this engine depending on the accessAllHeaders parameter.
 SOAPBodyElementAxisImpl SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getBodyByName(String namespace, String localPart)
          Get a body element given its name
 Enumeration SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeadersByName(String namespace, String localPart)
          Get an enumeration of header elements given the namespace and localpart
 Enumeration SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl.getHeadersByName(String namespace, String localPart, boolean accessAllHeaders)
          Return an Enumeration of headers which match the given namespace and localPart.
 SOAPElementAxisImpl RPCElementHandler.makeNewElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
 SOAPElementAxisImpl BodyBuilder.makeNewElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)

Constructors in org.apache.axis.message with parameters of type AxisFault
SOAPFaultImpl(AxisFault fault)
DetailImpl(AxisFault fault)

Constructors in org.apache.axis.message that throw AxisFault
SOAPHeaderElementImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPHeaderAxisImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context, SOAPConstants soapConsts)
SOAPFaultImpl(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attrs, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPElementAxisImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPBodyImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPBodyElementImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPBodyElementAxisImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
SOAPBodyAxisImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context, SOAPConstants soapConsts)
RPCParamElementImpl(String namespace, String localPart, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
RPCElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context, OperationDesc[] operations)
DetailImpl(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attrs, DeserializationContext context)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.providers

Methods in org.apache.axis.providers that throw AxisFault
abstract  void BasicProvider.initServiceDesc(SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          This method returns a ServiceDesc that contains the correct implimentation class.
 void BasicProvider.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Generate the WSDL for this service.

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.providers.java

Methods in org.apache.axis.providers.java that throw AxisFault
 void JavaProvider.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Invoke the message by obtaining various common fields, looking up the service object (via getServiceObject), and actually processing the message (via processMessage).
protected  void JavaProvider.processException(Exception ex)
          Externalize exception handling
 void JavaProvider.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)
          Generate the WSDL for this service.
protected  Class JavaProvider.getServiceClass(String clsName, SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          Returns the Class info about the service class.
 void JavaProvider.initServiceDesc(SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          Fill in a service description with the correct impl class and typemapping set.
protected  Class EJBProvider.getServiceClass(String beanJndiName, SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext)
          Get the class description for the EJB Remote or Local Interface, which is what we are interested in exposing to the world (i.e.
protected  InitialContext EJBProvider.getContext(Properties properties)
protected  Object EJBProvider.getEJBHome(InitialContext context, String beanJndiName)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.server

Methods in org.apache.axis.server that throw AxisFault
 AxisServer JNDIAxisServerFactory.getServer(Map environment)
          Obtain an AxisServer reference, using JNDI if possible, otherwise creating one using the standard Axis configuration pattern.
 AxisServer DefaultAxisServerFactory.getServer(Map environment)
          Get an AxisServer.
 AxisServer AxisServerFactory.getServer(Map environment)
static AxisServer AxisServer.getServer(Map environment)
 void AxisServer.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          Main routine of the AXIS server.
 void AxisServer.generateWSDL(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.soap

Methods in org.apache.axis.soap with parameters of type AxisFault
protected  void SOAPConnectionImpl.processAxisFault(AxisFault fault)
          routine called whenever an axis fault is caught; where they are logged and any other business.

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.strategies

Methods in org.apache.axis.strategies that throw AxisFault
 void WSDLGenStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)
 void InvocationStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.http

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.http with parameters of type AxisFault
protected  void AxisServlet.processAxisFault(AxisFault fault)
          routine called whenever an axis fault is caught; where they are logged and any other business.
protected  void AxisServlet.reportNoWSDL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res, PrintWriter writer, String moreDetailCode, AxisFault axisFault)
          report that we have no WSDL
protected  int AxisServlet.getHttpServletResponseStatus(AxisFault af)
          Extract information from AxisFault and map it to a HTTP Status code.

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.http that throw AxisFault
 void HTTPTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext mc, Call call, AxisEngine engine)
          Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context.
 void HTTPSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          invoke creates a socket connection, sends the request SOAP message and then reads the response SOAP message back from the SOAP server
 AxisServer AxisServletBase.getEngine()
          get the engine for this servlet from cache or context
static AxisServer AxisServletBase.getEngine(javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet servlet)
          This is a uniform method of initializing AxisServer in a servlet context.
protected  void AxisServlet.processMethodRequest(MessageContext msgContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer)
          scan through the request for parameters, invoking the endpoint if we get a method param.
protected  void AxisServlet.processWsdlRequest(MessageContext msgContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer)
          handle a ?wsdl request
protected  void AxisServlet.invokeEndpointFromGet(MessageContext msgContext, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer, String method, String args)
          invoke an endpoint from a get request by building an XML request and handing it down.
protected  void AxisServlet.processListRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer)
          respond to the ?list command.
protected  void AxisServlet.reportAvailableServices(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter writer, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method lists the available services; it is called when there is nothing to execute on a GET

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.java

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.java that throw AxisFault
 void JavaSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.jms

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.jms that throw AxisFault
 void JMSTransport.setupMessageContextImpl(MessageContext context, Call message, AxisEngine engine)
          Set up any transport-specific derived properties in the message context.
 void JMSSender.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)
          invoke() creates an endpoint, sends the request SOAP message, and then either reads the response SOAP message or simply returns.

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.transport.local

Methods in org.apache.axis.transport.local that throw AxisFault
 void LocalSender.invoke(MessageContext clientContext)
 void LocalResponder.invoke(MessageContext msgContext)

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.utils

Methods in org.apache.axis.utils that throw AxisFault
static Document Admin.listConfig(AxisEngine engine)
          Get an XML document representing this engine's configuration.

Uses of AxisFault in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava

Methods in org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava that throw AxisFault
 javax.xml.namespace.QName Types.writeTypeForPart(Class type, javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
          Write out a type referenced by a part type attribute.
 javax.xml.namespace.QName Types.writeElementForPart(Class type, javax.xml.namespace.QName qname)
          Write out an element referenced by a part element attribute.
 Element Types.writeWrapperElement(javax.xml.namespace.QName qname, boolean request, boolean hasParams)
          Write the element definition for a WRAPPED operation.
 void Types.writeWrappedParameter(Element sequence, String name, javax.xml.namespace.QName type, Class javaType)
          Write a parameter (a sub-element) into a sequence generated by writeWrapperElement() above.
 void Types.writeSchemaElement(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName, Element element)
          Write out the given Element into the appropriate schema node.
 String Types.writeType(Class type)
          Write a schema representation for the given Class.
 String Types.writeType(Class type, javax.xml.namespace.QName qName)
          Write a schema representation for the given Class.
 Element Types.writeEnumType(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName, Class cls)
          Write Enumeration Complex Type (Only supports enumeration classes of string types)
 Element Types.createElementDecl(String name, Class javaType, javax.xml.namespace.QName typeQName, boolean nillable, boolean omittable)
          Create Element
 Element Types.createAttributeElement(String elementName, Class javaType, javax.xml.namespace.QName xmlType, boolean nullable, Document docHolder)
          Create Attribute Element with a given name and type
 Element Types.createElementWithAnonymousType(String elementName, Class fieldType, boolean omittable, Document ownerDocument)
          Write an <element> with an anonymous internal ComplexType
protected  void Emitter.writePortType(javax.wsdl.Definition def, javax.wsdl.Binding binding)
          Create a PortType
protected  void Emitter.writeMessages(javax.wsdl.Definition def, javax.wsdl.Operation oper, OperationDesc desc, javax.wsdl.BindingOperation bindingOper)
          Create a Message
protected  javax.wsdl.Message Emitter.writeRequestMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def, OperationDesc oper)
          Create a Request Message
 void Emitter.writeWrapperPart(javax.wsdl.Definition def, javax.wsdl.Message msg, OperationDesc oper, boolean request)
          Write out the schema definition for a WRAPPED operation request or response.
protected  javax.wsdl.Message Emitter.writeResponseMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def, OperationDesc desc)
          Create a Response Message
protected  javax.wsdl.Message Emitter.writeFaultMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def, FaultDesc exception)
          Create a Fault Message
 String Emitter.writePartToMessage(javax.wsdl.Definition def, javax.wsdl.Message msg, boolean request, ParameterDesc param)
          Create a Part

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