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GenericHandler (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Class GenericHandler

  extended byjavax.xml.rpc.handler.GenericHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class GenericHandler
extends Object
implements Handler

The GenericHandler class implements the Handler interface. SOAP Message Handler developers should typically subclass GenericHandler class unless the Handler class needs another class as a superclass. The GenericHandler class is a convenience abstract class that makes writing Handlers easy. This class provides default implementations of the lifecycle methods init and destroy and also different handle methods. A Handler developer should only override methods that it needs to specialize as part of the derived Handler implementation class.

$Revision: 1.4 $
Scott.Stark@jboss.org, Rahul Sharma (javadoc)

Constructor Summary
protected GenericHandler()
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void destroy()
          The destroy method indicates the end of lifecycle for a Handler instance.
abstract  javax.xml.namespace.QName[] getHeaders()
          Gets the header blocks processed by this Handler instance.
 boolean handleFault(MessageContext msgContext)
          The handleFault method processes the SOAP faults based on the SOAP message processing model.
 boolean handleRequest(MessageContext msgContext)
          The handleRequest method processes the request SOAP message.
 boolean handleResponse(MessageContext msgContext)
          The handleResponse method processes the response message.
 void init(HandlerInfo config)
          The init method to enable the Handler instance to initialize itself.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected GenericHandler()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public abstract javax.xml.namespace.QName[] getHeaders()
Gets the header blocks processed by this Handler instance.

Specified by:
getHeaders in interface Handler
Array of QNames of header blocks processed by this handler instance. QName is the qualified name of the outermost element of the Header block.


public void init(HandlerInfo config)
The init method to enable the Handler instance to initialize itself. This method should be overridden if the derived Handler class needs to specialize implementation of this method.

Specified by:
init in interface Handler
config - handler configuration


public void destroy()
The destroy method indicates the end of lifecycle for a Handler instance. This method should be overridden if the derived Handler class needs to specialize implementation of this method.

Specified by:
destroy in interface Handler


public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext msgContext)
The handleRequest method processes the request SOAP message. The default implementation of this method returns true. This indicates that the handler chain should continue processing of the request SOAP message. This method should be overridden if the derived Handler class needs to specialize implementation of this method.

Specified by:
handleRequest in interface Handler
msgContext - the message msgContext


public boolean handleResponse(MessageContext msgContext)
The handleResponse method processes the response message. The default implementation of this method returns true. This indicates that the handler chain should continue processing of the response SOAP message. This method should be overridden if the derived Handler class needs to specialize implementation of this method.

Specified by:
handleResponse in interface Handler
msgContext - the message msgContext


public boolean handleFault(MessageContext msgContext)
The handleFault method processes the SOAP faults based on the SOAP message processing model. The default implementation of this method returns true. This indicates that the handler chain should continue processing of the SOAP fault. This method should be overridden if the derived Handler class needs to specialize implementation of this method.

Specified by:
handleFault in interface Handler
msgContext - the message msgContext
the message msgContext

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