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Uses of Class javax.resource.ResourceException (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use ResourceException
javax.resource J2EE Connector API. 
javax.resource.cci J2EE Connector API - Common Client Interface. 
javax.resource.spi J2EE Connector API - System Programmer Interface. 
javax.resource.spi.endpoint J2EE Connector API - Message Endpoint. 
javax.resource.spi.work J2EE Connector API - Work Management. 

Uses of ResourceException in javax.resource

Subclasses of ResourceException in javax.resource
 class NotSupportedException
          A NotSupportedException is thrown to indicate that the callee (resource adapter or application server for system contracts) cannot execute an operation because the operation is not a supported feature.

Uses of ResourceException in javax.resource.cci

Subclasses of ResourceException in javax.resource.cci
 class ResourceWarning
          ResourceWarning provides information on warnings generated by the underlying resource.

Methods in javax.resource.cci that throw ResourceException
 boolean ResultSetInfo.deletesAreDetected(int type)
          Indicates whether or not a visible row delete can be detected.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.insertsAreDetected(int type)
          Indicates whether or not a visible row insert can be detected.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)
          Indicates whether deletes made by others are visible.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)
          Indicates whether inserts made by others are visible.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
          Indicates whether updates made by others are visible.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)
          Indicates whether deletes made by self are visible.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)
          Indicates whether inserts made by self are visible.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
          Indicates whether updates made by self are visible.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.supportsResultSetType(int type)
          Indicates whether or not an resource adapter supports the specified type of ResultSet.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.supportsResultTypeConcurrency(int type, int concurrency)
          Indicates whether or not a resource adapter supports the concurrency type in combination with the given ResultSet type.
 boolean ResultSetInfo.updatesAreDetected(int type)
          Indicates whether or not a visible row update can be detected.
 MappedRecord RecordFactory.createMappedRecord(String recordName)
          Creates a MappedRecord with the specified name.
 IndexedRecord RecordFactory.createIndexedRecord(String recordName)
          Creates a IndexedRecord with the specified name.
 Record MessageListener.onMessage(Record inputData)
          Request response style message listener
 void LocalTransaction.begin()
          Begins a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void LocalTransaction.commit()
          Commits a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void LocalTransaction.rollback()
          Rolls back a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void Interaction.clearWarnings()
          Clears all warnings reported by this Interaction.
 void Interaction.close()
          Closes an interaction
 Record Interaction.execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record input)
          Executes the interaction specified by the InteractionSpec with the specified input.
 boolean Interaction.execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record input, Record output)
          Executes the interaction specified by the InteractionSpec with the specified input.
 ResourceWarning Interaction.getWarnings()
          Gets the first warning for this interaction.
 String ConnectionMetaData.getEISProductName()
          Gets the product name of the underlying resource for the connection.
 String ConnectionMetaData.getEISProductVersion()
          Gets the product version of the underlying resource for the connection.
 String ConnectionMetaData.getUserName()
          Gets the user name for the connection to the underlying resource as known to the underlying resource.
 Connection ConnectionFactory.getConnection()
          Gets a connection from the resource adapter.
 Connection ConnectionFactory.getConnection(ConnectionSpec properties)
          Gets a connection from the resource adapter.
 RecordFactory ConnectionFactory.getRecordFactory()
          Gets a RecordFactory instance for use in creating Record objects.
 ResourceAdapterMetaData ConnectionFactory.getMetaData()
          Gets metadata for the resource adapter.
 void Connection.close()
          Closes a connection
 Interaction Connection.createInteraction()
          Creates a new interaction associated with this connection.
 LocalTransaction Connection.getLocalTransaction()
          Gets a LocalTransaction object which allows the client to manage local transactions for the connection.
 ConnectionMetaData Connection.getMetaData()
          Gets meta data for the underlying resource represented by this connection.
 ResultSetInfo Connection.getResultSetInfo()
          Gets information on ResultSet functionality supported by the underlying resource for the connection.

Uses of ResourceException in javax.resource.spi

Subclasses of ResourceException in javax.resource.spi
 class ApplicationServerInternalException
          A ApplicationServerInternalException is thrown to indicate error conditions specific to the Applcation server.
 class CommException
          A CommException indicates error conditions related to failed or interrupted communication with an underlying resource.
 class EISSystemException
          A EISSystemException is used to indicate EIS specific error conditios.
 class IllegalStateException
          A IllegalStateException is thrown when a method has been invoked on an object which is in the wrong state to execute the method.
 class InvalidPropertyException
          Represents invalid configuration properties
 class LocalTransactionException
          A LocalTransactionException represents various error conditions related to local transaction management.
 class ResourceAdapterInternalException
          A ResourceAdapterInternalException indicates any system level error conditions related to a resource adapter.
 class ResourceAllocationException
          A ResourceAllocationException can be thrown to indicate a failure to allocate system resources such as threads or physical connections.
 class SecurityException
          A SecurityException indicates error conditions related to the security contract between an application server and a resource adapter.
 class SharingViolationException
          Thrown when a shared connection is used in an unshareable manner.
 class UnavailableException
          Thrown when a service is unavailable

Methods in javax.resource.spi that throw ResourceException
 Set ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory.getInvalidConnections(Set connectionSet)
          Returns the invalid connections in a set
 void ResourceAdapterAssociation.setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter ra)
          Set the resource adapter
 void ResourceAdapter.endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory endpointFactory, ActivationSpec spec)
          Activates the endpoint factory
 XAResource[] ResourceAdapter.getXAResources(ActivationSpec[] specs)
          Called by the application server during recovery
 String ManagedConnectionMetaData.getEISProductName()
          Returns product name of the underlying resource.
 String ManagedConnectionMetaData.getEISProductVersion()
          Returns product version of the underlying resource.
 int ManagedConnectionMetaData.getMaxConnections()
          Returns the maximum supported number of connections allowed to the underlying resource.
 String ManagedConnectionMetaData.getUserName()
          Returns user name associated with the underlying connection.
 Object ManagedConnectionFactory.createConnectionFactory()
          Creates a connection factory instance.
 Object ManagedConnectionFactory.createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager cxManager)
          Creates a connection factory instance.
 ManagedConnection ManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
          Creates a new ManagedConnection
 ManagedConnection ManagedConnectionFactory.matchManagedConnections(Set connectionSet, Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
          Returns a matching connection from the set.
 PrintWriter ManagedConnectionFactory.getLogWriter()
          Gets the logwriter for this instance.
 void ManagedConnectionFactory.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out)
          Sets the logwriter for this instance.
 Object ManagedConnection.getConnection(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
          Creates a new connection handle for the underlying connection.
 void ManagedConnection.destroy()
          Destroys the connection to the underlying resource.
 void ManagedConnection.cleanup()
          Application server calls this to force cleanup of connection.
 void ManagedConnection.associateConnection(Object connection)
          Associates a new application level connection handle with the connection.
 XAResource ManagedConnection.getXAResource()
          Returns an XAResource instance.
 LocalTransaction ManagedConnection.getLocalTransaction()
          Returns a LocalTransaction instance.
 ManagedConnectionMetaData ManagedConnection.getMetaData()
          Gets metadata inormation for this instances underlying resource manager instance.
 PrintWriter ManagedConnection.getLogWriter()
          Gets the logwriter for this instance.
 void ManagedConnection.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out)
          Sets the logwriter for this instance.
 void LocalTransaction.begin()
          Begins a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void LocalTransaction.commit()
          Commits a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void LocalTransaction.rollback()
          Rolls back a local transaction on the userlying resource.
 void LazyEnlistableConnectionManager.lazyEnlist(ManagedConnection mc)
          Invoked by a resource adapter to lazily enlist a connection handle with the managed connection
 void LazyAssociatableConnectionManager.associateConnection(Object connection, ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, ConnectionRequestInfo cxReqInfo)
          Invoked by a resource adapter to lazily associate a connection handle with the managed connection
 void DissociatableManagedConnection.dissociateConnections()
          Invoked by the application server to dissociate the managed connection from all handles.
 Object ConnectionManager.allocateConnection(ManagedConnectionFactory mcf, ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
          Gets called by the resource adapter's connection factory.

Uses of ResourceException in javax.resource.spi.endpoint

Methods in javax.resource.spi.endpoint that throw ResourceException
 void MessageEndpoint.beforeDelivery(Method method)
          Invoked before delivery
 void MessageEndpoint.afterDelivery()
          Invoked after delivery

Uses of ResourceException in javax.resource.spi.work

Subclasses of ResourceException in javax.resource.spi.work
 class WorkCompletedException
          An error thrown when work is completed.
 class WorkException
          Thrown when there is an error handling work.
 class WorkRejectedException
          Thrown when a work is rejected.

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