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Uses of Class javax.jms.JMSException (JBoss J2EE API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 j2ee API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use JMSException
javax.jms This is the basic contract for the Java Message Service - what JBossMQ offers and clients can expect. 

Uses of JMSException in javax.jms

Subclasses of JMSException in javax.jms
 class IllegalStateException
           This exception is thrown when a method is invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time or if the provider is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
 class InvalidClientIDException
           This exception must be thrown when a client attempts to set a connection's client ID to a value that is rejected by a provider.
 class InvalidDestinationException
           This exception must be thrown when a destination either is not understood by a provider or is no longer valid.
 class InvalidSelectorException
           This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to give a provider a message selector with invalid syntax.
 class JMSSecurityException
           This exception must be thrown when a provider rejects a user name/password submitted by a client.
 class MessageEOFException
           This exception must be thrown when an unexpected end of stream has been reached when a StreamMessage or BytesMessage is being read.
 class MessageFormatException
           This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to use a data type not supported by a message or attempts to read data in a message as the wrong type.
 class MessageNotReadableException
           This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to read a write-only message.
 class MessageNotWriteableException
           This exception must be thrown when a JMS client attempts to write to a read-only message.
 class ResourceAllocationException
          This exception is thrown when a provider is unable to allocate the resources required by a method.
 class TransactionInProgressException
           This exception is thrown when an operation is invalid because a transaction is in progress.
 class TransactionRolledBackException
           This exception must be thrown when a call to Session.commit results in a rollback of the current transaction.

Methods in javax.jms with parameters of type JMSException
 void ExceptionListener.onException(JMSException exception)
          Notifies user of a JMS exception.

Methods in javax.jms that throw JMSException
 TopicSession XATopicSession.getTopicSession()
          Gets the topic session associated with this XATopicSession.
 XATopicConnection XATopicConnectionFactory.createXATopicConnection()
          Creates an XA topic connection with the default user identity.
 XATopicConnection XATopicConnectionFactory.createXATopicConnection(String userName, String password)
          Creates an XA topic connection with the specified user identity.
 XATopicSession XATopicConnection.createXATopicSession()
          Creates an XATopicSession object.
 TopicSession XATopicConnection.createTopicSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates an XATopicSession object.
 Session XASession.getSession()
          Gets the session associated with this XASession.
 boolean XASession.getTransacted()
          Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.
 void XASession.commit()
          Throws a TransactionInProgressException, since it should not be called for an XASession object.
 void XASession.rollback()
          Throws a TransactionInProgressException, since it should not be called for an XASession object.
 QueueSession XAQueueSession.getQueueSession()
          Gets the queue session associated with this XAQueueSession.
 XAQueueConnection XAQueueConnectionFactory.createXAQueueConnection()
          Creates an XA queue connection with the default user identity.
 XAQueueConnection XAQueueConnectionFactory.createXAQueueConnection(String userName, String password)
          Creates an XA queue connection with the specified user identity.
 XAQueueSession XAQueueConnection.createXAQueueSession()
          Creates an XAQueueSession object.
 QueueSession XAQueueConnection.createQueueSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates an XAQueueSession object.
 XAConnection XAConnectionFactory.createXAConnection()
          Creates an XAConnection with the default user identity.
 XAConnection XAConnectionFactory.createXAConnection(String userName, String password)
          Creates an XA connection with the specified user identity.
 XASession XAConnection.createXASession()
          Creates an XASession object.
 Session XAConnection.createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates an Session object.
 Topic TopicSubscriber.getTopic()
          Gets the Topic associated with this subscriber.
 boolean TopicSubscriber.getNoLocal()
          Gets the NoLocal attribute for this subscriber.
 Topic TopicSession.createTopic(String topicName)
          Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.
 TopicSubscriber TopicSession.createSubscriber(Topic topic)
          Creates a nondurable subscriber to the specified topic.
 TopicSubscriber TopicSession.createSubscriber(Topic topic, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
          Creates a nondurable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector or specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
 TopicSubscriber TopicSession.createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
 TopicSubscriber TopicSession.createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector or specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
 TopicPublisher TopicSession.createPublisher(Topic topic)
          Creates a publisher for the specified topic.
 TemporaryTopic TopicSession.createTemporaryTopic()
          Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
 void TopicSession.unsubscribe(String name)
          Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
 Message TopicRequestor.request(Message message)
 void TopicRequestor.close()
 Topic TopicPublisher.getTopic()
          Gets the topic associated with this TopicPublisher.
 void TopicPublisher.publish(Message message)
          Publishes a message to the topic.
 void TopicPublisher.publish(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
          Publishes a message to the topic, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
 void TopicPublisher.publish(Topic topic, Message message)
          Publishes a message to a topic for an unidentified message producer.
 void TopicPublisher.publish(Topic topic, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
          Publishes a message to a topic for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live.
 TopicConnection TopicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection()
          Creates a topic connection with the default user identity.
 TopicConnection TopicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection(String userName, String password)
          Creates a topic connection with the specified user identity.
 TopicSession TopicConnection.createTopicSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates a TopicSession object.
 ConnectionConsumer TopicConnection.createConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 ConnectionConsumer TopicConnection.createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 String Topic.getTopicName()
          Gets the name of this topic.
 void TextMessage.setText(String string)
          Sets the string containing this message's data.
 String TextMessage.getText()
          Gets the string containing this message's data.
 void TemporaryTopic.delete()
          Deletes this temporary topic.
 void TemporaryQueue.delete()
          Deletes this temporary queue.
 boolean StreamMessage.readBoolean()
          Reads a boolean from the stream message.
 byte StreamMessage.readByte()
          Reads a byte value from the stream message.
 short StreamMessage.readShort()
          Reads a 16-bit integer from the stream message.
 char StreamMessage.readChar()
          Reads a Unicode character value from the stream message.
 int StreamMessage.readInt()
          Reads a 32-bit integer from the stream message.
 long StreamMessage.readLong()
          Reads a 64-bit integer from the stream message.
 float StreamMessage.readFloat()
          Reads a float from the stream message.
 double StreamMessage.readDouble()
          Reads a double from the stream message.
 String StreamMessage.readString()
          Reads a String from the stream message.
 int StreamMessage.readBytes(byte[] value)
          Reads a byte array field from the stream message into the specified byte[] object (the read buffer).
 Object StreamMessage.readObject()
          Reads an object from the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeBoolean(boolean value)
          Writes a boolean to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeByte(byte value)
          Writes a byte to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeShort(short value)
          Writes a short to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeChar(char value)
          Writes a char to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeInt(int value)
          Writes an int to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeLong(long value)
          Writes a long to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeFloat(float value)
          Writes a float to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeDouble(double value)
          Writes a double to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeString(String value)
          Writes a String to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeBytes(byte[] value)
          Writes a byte array field to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
          Writes a portion of a byte array as a byte array field to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.writeObject(Object value)
          Writes an object to the stream message.
 void StreamMessage.reset()
          Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream to the beginning.
 BytesMessage Session.createBytesMessage()
          Creates a BytesMessage object.
 MapMessage Session.createMapMessage()
          Creates a MapMessage object.
 Message Session.createMessage()
          Creates a Message object.
 ObjectMessage Session.createObjectMessage()
          Creates an ObjectMessage object.
 ObjectMessage Session.createObjectMessage(Serializable object)
          Creates an initialized ObjectMessage object.
 StreamMessage Session.createStreamMessage()
          Creates a StreamMessage object.
 TextMessage Session.createTextMessage()
          Creates a TextMessage object.
 TextMessage Session.createTextMessage(String text)
          Creates an initialized TextMessage object.
 boolean Session.getTransacted()
          Indicates whether the session is in transacted mode.
 int Session.getAcknowledgeMode()
          Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session.
 void Session.commit()
          Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
 void Session.rollback()
          Rolls back any messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.
 void Session.close()
          Closes the session.
 void Session.recover()
          Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message.
 MessageListener Session.getMessageListener()
          Returns the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
 void Session.setMessageListener(MessageListener listener)
          Sets the session's distinguished message listener (optional).
 MessageProducer Session.createProducer(Destination destination)
          Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination.
 MessageConsumer Session.createConsumer(Destination destination)
          Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination.
 MessageConsumer Session.createConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector)
          Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
 MessageConsumer Session.createConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, boolean NoLocal)
          Creates MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.
 Queue Session.createQueue(String queueName)
          Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
 Topic Session.createTopic(String topicName)
          Creates a topic identity given a Topic name.
 TopicSubscriber Session.createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic.
 TopicSubscriber Session.createDurableSubscriber(Topic topic, String name, String messageSelector, boolean noLocal)
          Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a message selector and specifying whether messages published by its own connection should be delivered to it.
 QueueBrowser Session.createBrowser(Queue queue)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
 QueueBrowser Session.createBrowser(Queue queue, String messageSelector)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.
 TemporaryQueue Session.createTemporaryQueue()
          Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
 TemporaryTopic Session.createTemporaryTopic()
          Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
 void Session.unsubscribe(String name)
          Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.
 ServerSession ServerSessionPool.getServerSession()
          Return a server session from the pool.
 Session ServerSession.getSession()
          Return the ServerSession's Session.
 void ServerSession.start()
          Cause the Session's run method to be called to process messages that were just assigned to it.
 Queue QueueSession.createQueue(String queueName)
          Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
 QueueReceiver QueueSession.createReceiver(Queue queue)
          Creates a QueueReceiver object to receive messages from the specified queue.
 QueueReceiver QueueSession.createReceiver(Queue queue, String messageSelector)
          Creates a QueueReceiver object to receive messages from the specified queue using a message selector.
 QueueSender QueueSession.createSender(Queue queue)
          Creates a QueueSender object to send messages to the specified queue.
 QueueBrowser QueueSession.createBrowser(Queue queue)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
 QueueBrowser QueueSession.createBrowser(Queue queue, String messageSelector)
          Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue using a message selector.
 TemporaryQueue QueueSession.createTemporaryQueue()
          Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
 Queue QueueSender.getQueue()
          Gets the queue associated with this QueueSender.
 void QueueSender.send(Message message)
          Sends a message to the queue.
 void QueueSender.send(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
          Sends a message to the queue, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
 void QueueSender.send(Queue queue, Message message)
          Sends a message to a queue for an unidentified message producer.
 void QueueSender.send(Queue queue, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
          Sends a message to a queue for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live.
 Message QueueRequestor.request(Message message)
 void QueueRequestor.close()
 Queue QueueReceiver.getQueue()
          Gets the Queue associated with this queue receiver.
 QueueConnection QueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection()
          Creates a queue connection with the default user identity.
 QueueConnection QueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(String userName, String password)
          Creates a queue connection with the specified user identity.
 QueueSession QueueConnection.createQueueSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates a QueueSession object.
 ConnectionConsumer QueueConnection.createConnectionConsumer(Queue queue, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 Queue QueueBrowser.getQueue()
          Gets the queue associated with this queue browser.
 String QueueBrowser.getMessageSelector()
          Gets this queue browser's message selector expression.
 Enumeration QueueBrowser.getEnumeration()
          Gets an enumeration for browsing the current queue messages in the order they would be received.
 void QueueBrowser.close()
          Closes the QueueBrowser.
 String Queue.getQueueName()
          Gets the name of this queue.
 void ObjectMessage.setObject(Serializable object)
          Sets the serializable object containing this message's data.
 Serializable ObjectMessage.getObject()
          Gets the serializable object containing this message's data.
 void MessageProducer.setDisableMessageID(boolean value)
          Sets whether message IDs are disabled.
 boolean MessageProducer.getDisableMessageID()
          Gets an indication of whether message IDs are disabled.
 void MessageProducer.setDisableMessageTimestamp(boolean value)
          Sets whether message timestamps are disabled.
 boolean MessageProducer.getDisableMessageTimestamp()
          Gets an indication of whether message timestamps are disabled.
 void MessageProducer.setDeliveryMode(int deliveryMode)
          Sets the producer's default delivery mode.
 int MessageProducer.getDeliveryMode()
          Gets the producer's default delivery mode.
 void MessageProducer.setPriority(int defaultPriority)
          Sets the producer's default priority.
 int MessageProducer.getPriority()
          Gets the producer's default priority.
 void MessageProducer.setTimeToLive(long timeToLive)
          Sets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.
 long MessageProducer.getTimeToLive()
          Gets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.
 Destination MessageProducer.getDestination()
          Gets the destination associated with this MessageProducer.
 void MessageProducer.close()
          Closes the message producer.
 void MessageProducer.send(Message message)
          Sends a message using the MessageProducer's default delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
 void MessageProducer.send(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
          Sends a message to the destination, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
 void MessageProducer.send(Destination destination, Message message)
          Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer.
 void MessageProducer.send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
          Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live.
 String MessageConsumer.getMessageSelector()
          Gets this message consumer's message selector expression.
 MessageListener MessageConsumer.getMessageListener()
          Gets the message consumer's MessageListener.
 void MessageConsumer.setMessageListener(MessageListener listener)
          Sets the message consumer's MessageListener.
 Message MessageConsumer.receive()
          Receives the next message produced for this message consumer.
 Message MessageConsumer.receive(long timeout)
          Receives the next message that arrives within the specified timeout interval.
 Message MessageConsumer.receiveNoWait()
          Receives the next message if one is immediately available.
 void MessageConsumer.close()
          Closes the message consumer.
 String Message.getJMSMessageID()
          Gets the message ID.
 void Message.setJMSMessageID(String id)
          Sets the message ID.
 long Message.getJMSTimestamp()
          Gets the message timestamp.
 void Message.setJMSTimestamp(long timestamp)
          Sets the message timestamp.
 byte[] Message.getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes()
          Gets the correlation ID as an array of bytes for the message.
 void Message.setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes(byte[] correlationID)
          Sets the correlation ID as an array of bytes for the message.
 void Message.setJMSCorrelationID(String correlationID)
          Sets the correlation ID for the message.
 String Message.getJMSCorrelationID()
          Gets the correlation ID for the message.
 Destination Message.getJMSReplyTo()
          Gets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.
 void Message.setJMSReplyTo(Destination replyTo)
          Sets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.
 Destination Message.getJMSDestination()
          Gets the Destination object for this message.
 void Message.setJMSDestination(Destination destination)
          Sets the Destination object for this message.
 int Message.getJMSDeliveryMode()
          Gets the DeliveryMode value specified for this message.
 void Message.setJMSDeliveryMode(int deliveryMode)
          Sets the DeliveryMode value for this message.
 boolean Message.getJMSRedelivered()
          Gets an indication of whether this message is being redelivered.
 void Message.setJMSRedelivered(boolean redelivered)
          Specifies whether this message is being redelivered.
 String Message.getJMSType()
          Gets the message type identifier supplied by the client when the message was sent.
 void Message.setJMSType(String type)
          Sets the message type.
 long Message.getJMSExpiration()
          Gets the message's expiration value.
 void Message.setJMSExpiration(long expiration)
          Sets the message's expiration value.
 int Message.getJMSPriority()
          Gets the message priority level.
 void Message.setJMSPriority(int priority)
          Sets the priority level for this message.
 void Message.clearProperties()
          Clears a message's properties.
 boolean Message.propertyExists(String name)
          Indicates whether a property value exists.
 boolean Message.getBooleanProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the boolean property with the specified name.
 byte Message.getByteProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the byte property with the specified name.
 short Message.getShortProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the short property with the specified name.
 int Message.getIntProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the int property with the specified name.
 long Message.getLongProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the long property with the specified name.
 float Message.getFloatProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the float property with the specified name.
 double Message.getDoubleProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the double property with the specified name.
 String Message.getStringProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the String property with the specified name.
 Object Message.getObjectProperty(String name)
          Returns the value of the Java object property with the specified name.
 Enumeration Message.getPropertyNames()
          Returns an Enumeration of all the property names.
 void Message.setBooleanProperty(String name, boolean value)
          Sets a boolean property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setByteProperty(String name, byte value)
          Sets a byte property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setShortProperty(String name, short value)
          Sets a short property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setIntProperty(String name, int value)
          Sets an int property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setLongProperty(String name, long value)
          Sets a long property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setFloatProperty(String name, float value)
          Sets a float property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setDoubleProperty(String name, double value)
          Sets a double property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setStringProperty(String name, String value)
          Sets a String property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.setObjectProperty(String name, Object value)
          Sets a Java object property value with the specified name into the message.
 void Message.acknowledge()
          Acknowledges all consumed messages of the session of this consumed message.
 void Message.clearBody()
          Clears out the message body.
 boolean MapMessage.getBoolean(String name)
          Returns the boolean value with the specified name.
 byte MapMessage.getByte(String name)
          Returns the byte value with the specified name.
 short MapMessage.getShort(String name)
          Returns the short value with the specified name.
 char MapMessage.getChar(String name)
          Returns the Unicode character value with the specified name.
 int MapMessage.getInt(String name)
          Returns the int value with the specified name.
 long MapMessage.getLong(String name)
          Returns the long value with the specified name.
 float MapMessage.getFloat(String name)
          Returns the float value with the specified name.
 double MapMessage.getDouble(String name)
          Returns the double value with the specified name.
 String MapMessage.getString(String name)
          Returns the String value with the specified name.
 byte[] MapMessage.getBytes(String name)
          Returns the byte array value with the specified name.
 Object MapMessage.getObject(String name)
          Returns the value of the object with the specified name.
 Enumeration MapMessage.getMapNames()
          Returns an Enumeration of all the names in the MapMessage object.
 void MapMessage.setBoolean(String name, boolean value)
          Sets a boolean value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setByte(String name, byte value)
          Sets a byte value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setShort(String name, short value)
          Sets a short value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setChar(String name, char value)
          Sets a Unicode character value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setInt(String name, int value)
          Sets an int value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setLong(String name, long value)
          Sets a long value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setFloat(String name, float value)
          Sets a float value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setDouble(String name, double value)
          Sets a double value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setString(String name, String value)
          Sets a String value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setBytes(String name, byte[] value)
          Sets a byte array value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setBytes(String name, byte[] value, int offset, int length)
          Sets a portion of the byte array value with the specified name into the Map.
 void MapMessage.setObject(String name, Object value)
          Sets an object value with the specified name into the Map.
 boolean MapMessage.itemExists(String name)
          Indicates whether an item exists in this MapMessage object.
 String ConnectionMetaData.getJMSVersion()
          Gets the JMS API version.
 int ConnectionMetaData.getJMSMajorVersion()
          Gets the JMS major version number.
 int ConnectionMetaData.getJMSMinorVersion()
          Gets the JMS minor version number.
 String ConnectionMetaData.getJMSProviderName()
          Gets the JMS provider name.
 String ConnectionMetaData.getProviderVersion()
          Gets the JMS provider version.
 int ConnectionMetaData.getProviderMajorVersion()
          Gets the JMS provider major version number.
 int ConnectionMetaData.getProviderMinorVersion()
          Gets the JMS provider minor version number.
 Enumeration ConnectionMetaData.getJMSXPropertyNames()
          Gets an enumeration of the JMSX property names.
 Connection ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
          Creates a connection with the default user identity.
 Connection ConnectionFactory.createConnection(String userName, String password)
          Creates a connection with the specified user identity.
 ServerSessionPool ConnectionConsumer.getServerSessionPool()
          Gets the server session pool associated with this connection consumer.
 void ConnectionConsumer.close()
          Closes the connection consumer.
 Session Connection.createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode)
          Creates a Session object.
 String Connection.getClientID()
          Gets the client identifier for this connection.
 void Connection.setClientID(String clientID)
          Sets the client identifier for this connection.
 ConnectionMetaData Connection.getMetaData()
          Gets the metadata for this connection.
 ExceptionListener Connection.getExceptionListener()
          Gets the ExceptionListener object for this connection.
 void Connection.setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener)
          Sets an exception listener for this connection.
 void Connection.start()
          Starts (or restarts) a connection's delivery of incoming messages.
 void Connection.stop()
          Temporarily stops a connection's delivery of incoming messages.
 void Connection.close()
          Closes the connection.
 ConnectionConsumer Connection.createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 ConnectionConsumer Connection.createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages)
          Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation).
 long BytesMessage.getBodyLength()
          Gets the number of bytes of the message body when the message is in read-only mode.
 boolean BytesMessage.readBoolean()
          Reads a boolean from the bytes message stream.
 byte BytesMessage.readByte()
          Reads a signed 8-bit value from the bytes message stream.
 int BytesMessage.readUnsignedByte()
          Reads an unsigned 8-bit number from the bytes message stream.
 short BytesMessage.readShort()
          Reads a signed 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.
 int BytesMessage.readUnsignedShort()
          Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from the bytes message stream.
 char BytesMessage.readChar()
          Reads a Unicode character value from the bytes message stream.
 int BytesMessage.readInt()
          Reads a signed 32-bit integer from the bytes message stream.
 long BytesMessage.readLong()
          Reads a signed 64-bit integer from the bytes message stream.
 float BytesMessage.readFloat()
          Reads a float from the bytes message stream.
 double BytesMessage.readDouble()
          Reads a double from the bytes message stream.
 String BytesMessage.readUTF()
          Reads a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format from the bytes message stream.
 int BytesMessage.readBytes(byte[] value)
          Reads a byte array from the bytes message stream.
 int BytesMessage.readBytes(byte[] value, int length)
          Reads a portion of the bytes message stream.
 void BytesMessage.writeBoolean(boolean value)
          Writes a boolean to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
 void BytesMessage.writeByte(byte value)
          Writes a byte to the bytes message stream as a 1-byte value.
 void BytesMessage.writeShort(short value)
          Writes a short to the bytes message stream as two bytes, high byte first.
 void BytesMessage.writeChar(char value)
          Writes a char to the bytes message stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
 void BytesMessage.writeInt(int value)
          Writes an int to the bytes message stream as four bytes, high byte first.
 void BytesMessage.writeLong(long value)
          Writes a long to the bytes message stream as eight bytes, high byte first.
 void BytesMessage.writeFloat(float value)
          Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the bytes message stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void BytesMessage.writeDouble(double value)
          Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the bytes message stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void BytesMessage.writeUTF(String value)
          Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
 void BytesMessage.writeBytes(byte[] value)
          Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.
 void BytesMessage.writeBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
          Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.
 void BytesMessage.writeObject(Object value)
          Writes an object to the bytes message stream.
 void BytesMessage.reset()
          Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream of bytes to the beginning.

Constructors in javax.jms that throw JMSException
TopicRequestor(TopicSession session, Topic topic)
QueueRequestor(QueueSession session, Queue queue)

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