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org.jboss.ha.framework.server (JBoss Cluster API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 cluster API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.ha.framework.server

Interface Summary
ClusterPartitionMBean Management Bean for Cluster HAPartitions.
DistributedReplicantManagerImplMBean Used as a static MBean interface for the DRM service

Class Summary
ClusterPartition Management Bean for Cluster HAPartitions.
DistributedReplicantManagerImpl This class manages replicated objects.
DistributedStateImpl This class manages distributed state across the cluster.
HAPartitionImpl This class is an abstraction class for a JGroups RPCDispatch and JChannel.
HARMIServerImpl This class is a server-side proxy for replicated RMI objects.
HATarget This class is a holder and manager of replicants.

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