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org.jboss.cache.eviction (JBossCache API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 Cache API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.cache.eviction

Interface Summary
AopEvictionPolicy Just a maker interface for TreeCacheAop-specific eviction algorithm.
EvictionAlgorithm Interface for all eviction algorithm
EvictionPolicy Generic eviction policy interface.

Class Summary
AopLRUAlgorithm LRUAlgorithm specific to TreeCacheAop.
AopLRUPolicy Provider to provide eviction policy.
BaseEvictionPolicy Base class implementation of EvictionPolicy.
EvictedEventNode Value object used in evicted event node queue.
EvictionTimerTask Timer threads to do periodic node clean up by running the eviction policy.
FIFOAlgorithm First-in-first-out algorithm used to evict old nodes.
FIFOPolicy Eviction policy based on the FIFO algorithm where users can specify the max number of nodes and time-to-live for the nodes.
LRUAlgorithm Least recently Used algorithm to purge old data.
LRUPolicy Provider to provide eviction policy.
NodeEntry Value object used in queue.
Region A region is a collection of tree cache nodes that share the same eviction policy configurations, e.g., maxNodes, etc.
RegionManager Factory to create region from configuration, to track region, and to resolve naming conflict for regions.

Exception Summary
RegionNameConflictException Region name conflicts with pre-existing regions.

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