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Schedulable (Various API) - JBoss 3.2.7 varia API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface Schedulable

All Known Implementing Classes:
SchedulableExample, Scheduler.SchedulableExample

public interface Schedulable

This interface defines the manageable interface for a Scheduler Service allowing the client to create a Schedulable instance which is then run by this service at given times.

$Revision: 1.1 $
Andreas Schaefer

Method Summary
 void perform(Date pTimeOfCall, long pRemainingRepetitions)
          This method is called from the Scheduler Service

Method Detail


public void perform(Date pTimeOfCall,
                    long pRemainingRepetitions)
This method is called from the Scheduler Service

pTimeOfCall - Date/Time of the scheduled call
pRemainingRepetitions - Number of the remaining repetitions which is -1 if there is an unlimited number of repetitions.

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